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I woke up with the sunlight shining upon my face reminding me to open my eyes and start the day, but I was too weak to get out of my bed.

So I decided to close my eyes and wander in the paradise I made.

A cool breeze from the sea was piercing through my skin and it was soothing, so reliving being Away from the horrid world I came from.

What could happen wrong?

"Hi." A mysterious voice of a stranger, definitely male in tone.

I turned to him, I was so surprised to see someone here, in this place created inside of my head.
How can this be?

I tried to escape and force myself to wake up.

"Hey, are you alright? Is there something wrong?"

That voice again, I open my eyes hoping to see my room's ceiling but I came back to see  crisp hazel eyes looking directly at mine.

"Are you okay?" He asked me again.

"Who are you? Why are you here? You're not supposed to be here!"

I was so frustrated and confused about everything happening right at that moment. "Why is he here? Why can't I wake up? Am I already dead? Where the hell am I? "

"Wait! Stop right there. You're throwing me a lot of questions I can't answer at once."

I tried to calm myself down and hear out what he's going to say.

"I'm Julian Ramirez, I'm here because I'm on vacation and as long as I remember this resort is mine. So I don't see what's the matter, me being here?"

Wait what!? This  place is he's? Arggg! But this is my place! Created as an escape from the reality, why can't I wake up?! What am I supposed to do? I'm  here with a stranger and I don't know why the hell he's here.

"Now, can you please tell me? Why are you doing here? It's getting colder and a bit dark, I think there would be a storm coming."

What am I going to say? That I'm here because this place is something I created inside my mind and I can't get out? That will sound really crazy! Or will I pretend that I'm lost and I'm living near here? Hmm think.. Think..

"Ahmm.. Uhmm."

"Uhm.. What?"

I know what I am going to say! Brilliant. "I don't know.. I just.. I don't know why I am here.. I don't remember anything.." hope he took the bait.

"I think you hit you're head that's why you don't remember anything, did you go swimming? It's really dangerous to swim here, specially at night. Come on, let's get some warm clothes and hot choco."

I just.. Didn't think that he will believe that crap I just said. And now we are walking to his house. Good, this really good. I'm going to some stranger's house with a guy I didn't know. Great! And oh! I cant get out of here. Argg!

"Sit, feel at home. I'm just going to get some clean clothes I can lend you."

This vacation house is too big I think it has 5 room in it. Got a large family here huh. I wonder where is he's family? Is he married? Maybe by he's looks he's around early 20's

He get back with two mugs I presume a hot choco in it and clothes that was hanging in his left arm.

"I wondering this is a huge house."

"Yes, it is. It was my mom and dad's first house. Now it's all mine." He said as he roam his eyes around.

"What do you mean?"

"They're long gone, silly" he smiled but didn't touch his eyes.

"Oh. Sorry" silly! No too insensitive.

"It's okay it's not as if you're the one who killed them."

"They're we're killed?" Omg!!! Is this house hunted? What if there's ghost here?!!

While I'm panicking I heard him laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You should have seen you're face it's priceless! Hahaha"

"You're making fun with your parents death?!!"

"No, I'm not but they're not murdered here. So don't worry about having a ghost here. It's just you and me here."

"You and me?"


"You're not married?"

"Someone's interested with my relationship status." He said mocking me.

"I am not! And to tell you the truth I'm not attracted to you!"

"Let see." 

"What does that supposed to mean?"

Then it hit me, I'm alone with him here. Inside my head and I can't get out!! I have no control of what will happen! What if his a psycho who kill his parents? Or a rapist?

"Nothing, drink this and if you want to shower or sleep there's room around the corner. You can stay there. Let's talk tomorrow you look really tired. I'm just going to call a doctor to check you tomorrow."

Oh, that very.. Sweet.


I was in my way to my room when I realized I haven't said thank you.

So, came back to the living room but I can't find any signs of Julian. Then I heard he's talking to someone in the phone outside.

"Don't worry I'll be there, I wouldn't missed it for the world. Okay, Goodnight. I love you"

Oh. Think he doesn't have a wife but he already have a girlfriend. Nice.

"Oh! You startled me. Do you need something uhm? I haven't got your name! Oh! I'm sorry. You don't remember anything right?"

Yes! I don't remember anything I almost forgot that  I don't remember anything!

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Would you mind if I just give you name while you still don't remember yours?"

Hmm like giving a name to a pet huh!

"Hey no! Not like that I just don't know what to call you. I'm sorry"

Did I just speak that out loud? Wtf!

"Uhmm, noo. Sure. Just call me what you want. You're right I don't remember anything. I just came back because I forgot to tell you thank you for everything." I smiled and make my way back to my room but before I reached my door I heard him saying.

"You're welcome Luna.."
Wtf! How did he know my real name?!

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