"Julian, I can't breathe." I said but all he's doing is starting at me.

Why is he not doing anything?

"Julian, help me." I said while I'm holding his arms for support but he's still staring at me with this sad looked.

"You need to go back now love, you don't belong here." He said and I can sense sadness in his voice.

"What do you mean? You said I can stay here as long as I want! I want to stay here.. With you.." I pleaded

"You have to let me go Luna.." he said while caressing my face.

"Why? why do I need to go? Why do I have to let you go! I want to stay here forever." I don't understand, I finally found a place where I belong now I have to go? Why?

"Because we live in different worlds, you don't belong here. And you need to go back now. Lily, your mother is waiting for you." I can't understand anything he's saying. What?

"How did you know my mother?" I asked him confused.

"I love you Luna, you have to set your heart free. We will see each other again when the time is right." He said comforting me with words but I don't want to go.

"What are you saying Julian! I don't understand!" I almost shout at him. Because i can't understand anything.

"Goodbye for now my sweet Luna." He said full of love.

I felt myself pulling away from him. The distance between us become far. I tried to run as fast as I can to reach his hand but every step I take is a thousand step away from him. Until I no longer see him, even a tiniest silhouette of him. None, everything around me is becoming black starting from the spot I am standing until all I can see is nothing but black. I can't even see myself..

I crying so hard on my knees with the love I lost, where are you now Julian? I didn't have a chance to tell him how much I love him.

A heard a soft voice full of sadness calling my name.

"Luna.. Luna.." A sweet voice is calling me.

"Baby, common. Wake up now. You have to wake up honey. I really need you to wake up." She said full of sadness in her voice.

"Mom? Is that you?" I shouted but I still can't see anything! Everything is still black.

"Wake up baby, just open your eyes now."

Open my eyes? What do you mean mom? All I can see is darkness.

I closed my eyes and felt my body. I slowly open my eyes. There's a bright light and just follow that light like it's some kind of a guide.

I reached the light and everything turns to white.

All I see is white, and I let my eyes roam around. Everything is white. I'm in a hospital. I'm lying in a hospital bed and near me is my mom crying her lungs out while holding my hand and the other hand is in her face.

"Mom." That's all I can say. She slowly looked at me.

"Baby? Are you really awake?" She hug me and start crying more.

"Mom, I can't breathe."

Days pass and I recovered fast. My mom said I had an car accident and I hit my head hard that's why I'm unconscious for a week.

It's been 3 days since I woke up but it feels like forever. I miss Julian. I miss everything about him. I'm still confused about everything.

Is everything happen in my dreams are just dreams or is it real? But it feels so real.

"How are you hon?" My dad asked. He's now sitting in front of bed with mom. They still looked worried but I'm glad I can see their faces again.

"I feel better. I wanna go home dad." I said.

"Yes, we will go home but we need to make sure that everything is fine. We can't lose you." My mom said

"No need to be emotional, I'm here now, breathing and alive."

"What do you wanna eat?" My dad asked.

"Steak will be nice."

"Okay, I'll leave you two ladies here for a while." Then he went out, that's leaves us two.

I wanted to asked this but I don't know how to start.

"Mom" I called her.

"Yes honey?" She said and hold my hand. "Do you want something?"

"No mom, I want to know something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you know who is Julian?"

"Julian?" She asked with a sad looked. "You can't remember Julian?" And tears are visible to her eyes.

"No, mom do you know him?"
Then she started crying.

"Mom? Why are you crying?" She hug me while she's still crying.

"Mom?" I asked, I'm really confused. What's happening?

She stood up and went to the table and carry a box to my bed.

"I think it's better if you see what's inside of that box." I look at her confused but still open the box anyway.

There are lot of withered flowers inside the box, letters and pictures. What caught my attention is the picture of me and Julian, I think it was took when we were still in highschool. He was hugging me from behind and smiling goofy.

I still can't remember anything, why can't I remember him? So is this means his real? That my dreams are real?

Another picture is us wearing our college togas. We looked so happy together.

Another picture is us eating in a fancy restaurant.

The next photo is what makes me cry. It was the same restaurant but this time he's putting a ring to my finger.

The next photo is me wearing a white gown and walking to an aisle.

The next is what makes me cry more.

It's an ultrasound of a baby.

"Were married?" I asked while I'm still crying.

"Yes hon." She answered while wiping the tears in her cheeks.

"Where's my baby mom?"
I asked her but all I get is a sad looked..

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