Taxi Please 1%

8 1 0

Calum Hood

Quickly I finished pulling up my jeans making sure I wasn't hopping around so I didn't wake the girl that occupied the hotel bed. Wether I disturbed her or not I could care less but I prefer to leave while they're asleep so they aren't too clingy. You can call me self absorbent , disrespectful and arrogant , I've heard it all. On tour away from family and friends we can't really maintain relationships with people. Sex , the big three letter word. Gets me through shit , I enjoy it so therefore I'll do it no matter what the fück people think of it .

I've managed to get dressed and grab my wallet and phone before leaving her some cash on the side table drawer to pay for the room. I wasn't that much of a dick , I could afford the room. Hell I could afford the hotel.

It was 6 am but as I said I like to get away as soon as possible. Especially because soon fans will find my whereabouts. I don't mind meeting them at all , I just prefer them not know my business about what happened upstairs. My hairs messy , I'm wearing last nights outfit and I smell like sex and cigarettes. We were in New York and I didn't know how to hail a cab in Sydney. God fucking help me. I had to get back to my hotel as quickly as possible .

I smirk at the women working at the front desk to show them my appreciation. I may of tipped them a fair amount to keep their mouth shut, nothing out of the ordinary. As I exit the hotel I can no longer hear the sound of my converse on the tiled floor , instead I'm subjected to the amount of traffic and possibly car accidents in front of me.

I'm not going to lie it was absolutely freezing and I was stuck in my short sleeve , black ramones t shirt and my jeans ripped at the knees . I got close this one time getting a cab but a quite large women opened the door and pushed me out of the way to get in. Did she fucking know who the hell I was?

"Luke this is ridiculous." I open my phone and call not letting him greet me before I yell my complaint.

"Calum where the hell are you?" He sounds chirpy as Luke always gets up early all happy and ready. I however could not be in a worse mood.

"Some shitty hotel."



"Alright well just get a cab back." If looks could kill I swear to God.

"...Calum?" Luke questions if I'm still on the line. I trip over some stupid rock and next thing I know my phone is perfectly fallen on the floor landing right on the marble. Why does the hotel need marble flooring outside for fücks  sake. I look down at my phone and admire my beautiful crack,could this morning get any worse. Yes it could in fact because I spot a familiar half dressed girl in the lobby at the front desk,fuck. I can't be seen with her. It's almost as if Jesus praises me as a yellow cab drives just past and slows down by the side walk. Perfect.

Without thinking I run to the car hopping into the front passenger seat.

"Take me to Queens hotel." I demand sliding the thick bill across. I'm just returned with a scream and a hit in the head by an umbrella?

"Ow what the hell! "

"Please don't hurt me." I look up and see a frightened girl. She looks like a very young adult and she has one hand tightened on the wheel while the other holds the umbrella for her life. Her big blue eyes that upheld a layer of fear quivered and I knew that I probably was not in a cab.

"This isn't a cab is it."

"No." She said extremely quietly.


"Just because I'm driving a yellow car in New York City does not mean that I am a taxi ." She said this as if she's had to say it repeatedly. The way her chest rose and dropped quickly turned me on I must admit. She was still out of breath from freaking out and her lips were slightly ajar from her puffing. Fuck me oh lord. She had this innocence about her , the way she spoke so quietly and so unsure of herself even though she was completely beautiful.

"Who the hell drives in New York City?" I laugh and she swallows without giving me an answer.

"Can you please get out of my car .. My rental anyway." She spoke like this chick on the pitch perfect with the fish lips. So quiet and breathy.. Obviously not as bad as the chick in the movie.

"Do you know who I am? " I scoff . Is she bloody serious. Any normal chick would be praying for this to happen to them at 11:11. I look down at my phone that has a beautiful crack right through the middle and tried to read the time. It either said three ten or eight seventy three , probably the first option.

"Whenever someone starts with that line as an excuse they often turn out to be a douche bag. " I hated how this whole time she played with that same strand of hair curling I around her finger and brushing it down whenever she had to start to speak. She was so aggravating how she thinks she can talk down to me like this. I'm Calum fucking hood.

"I don't have to explain to you who I am , as if you don't know who I am. Your probably pretending to try and get me to like you. I've seen it all before love,try and be more original." I scoff crossing one of my legs over getting comfortable. Watching her face turn a fire engine red got my adrenaline kicking. I was getting such a hype in pissing her off.

"I'm not one for publicity. You can have all the attention with your one night stands. I'm alright how I live." Who isn't for publicity? Who doesn't want a quick shot of fame and money just from being with me.

"Look there are fans rocking up in the hotel right now because I'm guessing the chick from .. never mind but I need to get to my hotel really quickly and it's only a few blocks from here. Queens hotel  , you've heard of it yeah? " I feel like none of the words are sinking through her head as I check outside the window . I look away from the window and the crowd of girls running into the lobby and back to this ignorant chick who I doubt knows how to order her own sandwich. She's so shy and quiet , how annoying and prude. She acted as if I didn't deserve her words. Next thing I know she's starting up the gas and merging into the left lane to drive towards the hotel.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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