chapter 2: in danger

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I was walking to class with chelsie but she ran off somewhere saying something about her boyfriend. I kept on walking having no clue where my first class was suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and there stood the Sam Pottorff.

"Hi" he said "I'm Sam" "hi I guess" I said "I'm kiara" "cool are you lost by any chance?". he said "yeah kinda" I said shyly feeling my cheeks start to heat up he smirked. at me "what class you got next?" he said "math" I said he smirked again "me too follow me" he said.

We walked into class and everyone looked at us and I looked down in embarrassment and blushed again. "don't worry babygirl" sam whispered in my ear I felt a shiver run down my spine. "follow me" he whispered again I followed him to the back of the class we sat in the only two seats that where free we sat down "so you got a boyfriend?" Sam said I ignored him "hello" he said waving a hand in front of my face I smirked. the teacher turned around looking directly at him "Mr pottorff" the teacher said making sam jump she walked over to us.

to be honest she was pretty scary (A/N Imagine her how u like just kinda creepy) "yes miss"."you where disturbing miss Barlow" the teacher said "sorry" he mumbled "speak up a little" she said "sorry" he said louder now "thank you" she said I giggled she glared at me I immediately sat up straight she walked off I heard Sam mutter something under his breath.

*time skip* a few minutes before the bell rang I felt eyes burning onto the side of my head I looked out the corner of my eye. Sure enough Sam was staring at me I looked right at him and he quickly looked at the front of the classroom.

The bell rang for the end of class and i ran out. Once I got out I went to look for chelsea. I eventually found her making out with some boy probably her boyfriend so I just went to look for my next class.

*time skip*

Finally the end of the day I walked out of the school hoping to find chelsie. after a few minutes I gave up and started pennyboarding home. I heard footsteps behind me I looked behind me but no one was there I looked forward again and bumped into something or someone.

I looked up at them it was a group of boys they all glared at me. I realised that it was Sam and five other boys Sam helped me up "what are you doing on your own babygirl?" he said. "I was going home" I said he chuckled "what?" I said "nothing just you shouldn't be out here on your own at this time" he said "well thank you but I need to get home so goodbye" I said. I picked up my penny board and was about to start walking but someone grabbed my arm before I left.

"Where do you think your going?" he said it was one of Sam's friends "going home" I said. He let go of my arm "is there something I'm missing?" "no" they all said at the same time. "Ok this is just getting creepy" I started walking home again .

When I got home my dad was pacing and my mum looked pale my dad noticed I was here " WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" "walking home from school why?". "If you where walking home from school what took so long?" my mum said I checked my phone it had taken me an hour to get home. "I stopped to talk to some people" my mum looked at me.

"Who? tell me now" my dad said "some friends dad jeez" I said "oh ok just text me or your mother next time you make a stop" " ok dad" I went upstairs to my room and got changed into my pajamas and went to bed

Just before I fell asleep I got a text I picked up my phone and checked the ID it was unknown I read it

Unknown number: hey babygirl better keep your window locked if you don't want a visitor

I rushed to my window and locked it I went back to bed slowly falling asleep with Sam on my mind

So do you know who Sam's friends are I hope you liked it and will probably have slow updates cuz I have writer's block ugh but hey hopefully chapters will be fairly long

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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