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What Signs Should Know:

Aries- It's okay, to be afraid of the unknown sometimes.
Taurus- It's okay, to walk away.
Gemini- Don't listen to what petiole say about you. Your amazing!
Cancer- Your more stronger than you think. Don't put up with people's crap!
Leo- Doing cute gestures to people to make them happy, will make you happy!
Virgo- Don't be so hard on yourself , for not reaching people's expectations.
Libra- Don't throb over heartbreak. You much better than that!
Scorpio- You guys are such smol beans. You remind of tiny cactus because they're cute!
Sagittarius- You don't need anybody! You are too bright!
Capricorn- It's okay, to have emotions. Just focus on the bright and happy ones.
Aquarius- Let go of the mistakes you made in the past! Keep going forward!
Pieces- People play tricks on you thinking you're fragile! But, you not!

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