Chapter VIII

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"It's a necklace." I say aloud. It's silver with a crescent moon for a pendant. Next to the moon is an off white circle, it's not completely flat, but it's not a full on sphere either. I take it out of the box letting the chain dangle from my hand as I examine the pendant more.

It's odd that anyone would make a necklace with a blank pendant. It looks like it was suppose to have color, but the person who made it was too lazy to finish it and just left it blank.

Harry looks down at the necklace in my hand then back up at me. Then without blinking he says, "Put it on."

"Don't," My mom warns me. I look at her, and then back down at the necklace. What harm could this necklace possibly be? It's just that, a necklace.

I give the necklace back to Harry, and he instantly deflates. Then I turn away from him. My mom breathes a sigh of relief smiling at me. I smile back. Then I lift up my hair, using my right hand, to get it off of my neck. "Put it on." I say.

"Don't put it on, Taylor. It was in that box for a rea-" She begins but stops when she sees Harry has already put it on my neck. I feel him work the clasp of the necklace locking it in place.

Then the necklace starts to do something I never expected. It starts to glow. A bright hot white. The necklace starts to heat up to where it burns me. I make a hissing sound reaching for the clasp to take it off quickly but just as soon as the pain came, it went away. And just as soon as the bright white light was there, it was gone as well.

"The necklace!" Ed gasps.

I look down at my neck to see the circular pendant was no longer white. It was like a blue galaxy now. I pick it up off staring at the pendant. I quickly turn around to Harry showing him the pendant. "Why did it do that?" I question him.

"Because you're the one." Harry tells me.

"The one?" I say confused.

"The last golden winged fairy." He clarifies. "I went to see a wizard a while ago, when I was twelve, and he told me that the last golden winged fairy had already been born. As you can see, golden winged fairies have been very scarce for years. I wanted to know if there were more like me, some that could teach me to use my magic properly. He told me there were none that could do that. He said all the ones who really knew how were gone, dead. That there was only one left besides me." He digs into his bag and pulls out another silver and black box.

"He told me to choose out of this box, and that one you have there." He tells me pointing to the silver and black box I have. "Then he made me choose out of all these keys. I chose the same as you." He says referring to the keys he made me choose out of, and the one currently still inside the silver and black box I had. He takes it out and puts it back in his bag along with all the other keys and the two boxes.

"I chose what I chose then I opened the box to find this." He picks up the necklace on his own neck bringing it from under his shirt. It's a sun, and inside the sun's circle is a galaxy but it's green.

"He told me, he knew the box belonged to me by just my wing color, but he had to make sure. When I picked the correct box and key, that was his clue." He explains tucking the necklace back in his shirt.

I look back down at the keys that Harry had given me to pick out of. "What would have happened if I picked the wrong key?" I ask looking back up at him.

"It would've sent you into a coma."

"WHAT?" I scream.

"Calm down. That's why I didn't tell you. It didn't happen, so there's no need to worry about if's."

I frown crossing my arms. "Whatever." I want to press the matter more, but I'm more concerned with what this necklace does than a dodged bullet. "What does it do?"

"It helps you control your magic."

"Really?" I say hopefully. All my life I've had issues controlling my magic. What if this necklace can solve all my problems?

He nods. "It's no longer attached to your emotions, but you'll still need a lot of practice. However, nothing will just happen on its own anymore, you'll have to actually be trying to do something. This way your magic is more powerful and more focused. Eventually, you'll be able to do just about anything."

"So this necklace and my choices all prove that I'm the last golden winged fairy?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes, but not only that. Each of these keys represent a system. The one you chose is the one you belong to." He explains.

"W-what? But I'm not even sure yet what system I belong to! How can you know just by my choices?"

"That's what the wizard told me." He shrugs.

"Wait - you said that you picked the same key as me. Are you in the same system as me?"

Another nod.

"Well which system are you in?"

"That's for you to find out. I don't plan on telling you that. All you need to focus on right now is enhancing your abilities. You can worry about the future later. You haven't even graduated highschool yet. You don't need to worry about it."

"You haven't graduated highschool either." I challenge. He shrugs. "That's not fair."

"Life isn't fair."

"Whatever, okay Mr. Styles. Do you mind teaching me how to use my magic, since you seem to be so great at it?" I say rolling my eyes.

He smirks. "Yes. I will but not right now. Later." Harry tells me. Then he walks over to the door and opens it walking out.

I pick up the necklace on my neck again frowning down at the pendant.




The last fairy born with golden wings.




I can't believe it. I'm the last one. Me.


Later on one of the council members drop by to hand me my yellow slip, a paper with your punishments on it, and put on my restraint. It's an ankle bracelet that shocks me continuously everytime my foot leaves the ground for more than five minutes.

It's great.

And the slip they gave me says my punishment from Harry is to take magic lessons with him at 6 pm each day for a month. Not bad, considering we were already planning on it. I have a feeling he didn't really want to punish me though, just get me to take his magic lessons faithfully.

Control freak, I think.

It's a good thing he's cute.

Wait what?

I just found out I don't have to be to school until Wednesday, so I should be able to write more chapters! :) Sorry this one isn't that exciting, more background info. But it's needed, you know?

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