Chapter 22: Are You Alright?

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I couldn't sleep last night after learning that my father was... I can't even bring myself to say it. It made me sick to my stomach. If I ever told my mother, I swear, the pain would kill her. First, my sister and now... this. I just couldn't believe it.

5:30 A.M.

I stared at my clock, for what seemed like hours. I stood up and walked over to my closet to get dressed. Tom, Jeb and Jack were coming over. 'this will be... perfect...' I let out a sigh and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked paler than ever, there were dark circles under my eyes and I look really tired. I wore a grey sleeping with sirens shirt and black skinny jeans and converse. I looked at myself and felt like my whole world was falling apart, like nothing was going right.

I looked at my arms, the words ,that Jake and his idiot friends carved into my arms, were beginning to fade alway. Only one caught my attention out of the rest. Freak. I let out a shaky breath, a tear streamed down my face but I quickly wiped it away. I continued to get ready.  After I finished getting ready I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, my mom was making waffles and my-

I froze. He was in the kitchen as well. I quickly turned the other way, wanting to get away as soon as possible before one of them no- "Y/n, good mooring sweetheart." My mother said. 'this is just great! First i had a crappy night and now- THIS?! What's next?' I turned around slowly and plastered a smile on my face, "Hi mom." I walked over to her and gave her a big hug. I walked over to the table and noticed he just watched me carefully. My father. A pig. "Good morning, Y/n." he said before taking a drink from his coffee mug. I did not reply, I glared at him since my mom was busy with the waffles. He did not seem surprised at all. We never got along anyways. He was never around, but when he was, he'd yell at me for whatever reason he saw fit.

I pulled out my phone, too disgusted to even look at him, I received a text from Jeb.

J: Hi Y/n :)

I smiled and texted him back: Hey Jeb, when are you and Tom coming over?

J: We're on our way now. Is that ok?

Y/n: Yeah, it's ok. :)

J: Alright, see ya soon.

I put my phone away, my mom was done making waffles. I smiled, waffles were my favorite. 'This is WAY better than pancakes!' i thought to myself. "So, Y/n." My mother said as she got three plates down from the cupboard, "I was thinking that, today you and I could have a mother-daughter day." She smiled. My eyes widened, I felt my stomach drop. "Oh... Um. That'd be great, mom, really." She raised an eyebrow, "But?". I looked down at my feet. "My friends are coming over, today. So.."  "AAAHHHHHH!!!" I looked at my mother, taking a step back 'What the hell?!' My mother just ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "That's great! You never bring friends over." She wore the biggest smile on her face. "I-I thought you'd be-", she cut me off, "Mad? No, no its alright."

The door bell rang before I could say anything. "I'll get it." I said. 'I wonder if I should tell mom about Jeb and Tom, and how they've been here before?' I shook my head. I opened the door and a smile spread onto my face, and was then engulfed into a bearhug from Tom. I gladly hugged him back. "Hey guys, I'm super  glad you could come over." Jeb smiled," No problem, plus your place is awesome." I invited them in, and the three of us head to the kitchen. "Hi, I'm Janet. Y/n's mom." She said as she looked at them. My father on the other hand remembered them from last time, and just glared at them. "Hi, I'm Jef- Jeb. My name is Jeb, and this is my brother Tom." Tom wasn't exactly paying attention. I noticed he was staring at the huge plate of waffles. I guess mom noticed since she pulled out two more plates. "Have you boys had anything to eat?" she questioned, Jeb nodded while Tom shook his head like crazy. "N-no M-ma'am." As Tom was handed a plate he quickly ran to the table and began to put waffles on his plate. i giggled while Jeb just facepalmed.

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