Chapter 15

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~Joey's POV~

It's the next day, and we decided to sit down today and get some of our wedding planned. We both sit down on the couch and we start discussing. "Okay, first things first. We need a date." Daniel starts the conversation. "Hmmm, maybe February 14? The most romantic day of the year?" I ask. "Perfect!" He writes the date down on a piece of paper.

After hours and hours of talking, we got most of our wedding planned out. We just need to write out the invitations, but we'll hold that off for tomorrow. Since we are having it February 14, and today Is February 1, we need to buy all the stuff we need, find a church, get tuxedos, and find places to have the after party. "Okay, ready to head out Daniel?" I ask him, gathering my keys, phone and wallet. "Yeah! I'll meet you in the car!" He replies, and I head off outside to the car. I start the car and Daniel hops in. "Okay, what is first on our list?" I ask him. "Decorations" He replies, and we pull out of the driveway.

We first arrive at Party City, to get the usual balloons and banners. We head to the balloon desk first, and we get a couple of beautiful silver balloons, just plain so we can write on them, and then we stop near the banners. We get just a plain banner, then again, so we can write on it. We walk on over to the party poppers section. "How many do we need?" Daniel asks. "I don't know, lets just get this whole box!" I say, lifting up the HUGE box of party poppers as Daniel laughs. We proceed to checkout.

The next store we go to is a crystal shop, because our wedding is obviously crystal themed. I gasp. I feel this big, BEAUTIFUL iridescent crystal. "DANIELLL!!!!" I scream. "WE GOTTA GET TWO OF THESE FOR THE ENTRANCE" I squeal. He laughs. "What ever you want!" He smiles. We quietly struggle to lift the crystals and hide them so no one an find them while we do some more shopping. I prance around the crystal shop as Daniel tries to keep up. We ended up getting tons of crystal. We got those two big ones for the entrance , a bunch of tiny different colored ones for goody bags, a crap ton of iridescent crystals for the aisle, and a poop ton of different crystals for the tables! We proceed to checkout and it turns out the cashier gave us a HUGE discount because it was for our wedding so the whole thing was pretty cheap!

We go to many different stores for many different decorations, and we finally finish our decoration portion. "What's next?" I ask Daniel. "Find a church!" He replies. We pull up to this BEAUTIFUL church, with very pretty flowers around it and a very pretty altar.

"I'm so glad they are letting us get married in that beautiful church!" I squeal. "I know! I can't WAIT till our wedding!" He replies, smiling. "The only part I don't look forward too is not seeing you all morning till the wedding" I say, and Daniel smiles. "I don't think anyone looks forward to that part." Daniel giggles.

Finally the last and most important part. Finding a tuxedo. We pull into this very fancy and expensive tuxedo store, with bright lights and beautiful tuxedos in the window. We walk in. "Who's first?" Daniel asks me. "I'll go first." I reply. "Okay, I'll be outside, waiting when your ready!" Daniel says, and then we both head off in opposite directions. I search through the isles of endless, beautiful tuxedos, and I pick out a few on the way. I start to make my way to the dressing room when I se this amazing iridescent bow tie, and I grab it and race off to the dressing room. I try on tux by tux until I find the perfect one. It's a beautiful formal tux, with a black, sparkly bow tie. I quickly take it off, and I purchase it. They put it in a bag and I go outside to Daniel. "Your turn!" I say, and he quickly rushes inside. I wait, and I wait, and he still hasn't come out. Gee, he better have the most handsome tux I have ever seen.


It's February 13, the day before our wedding. I pack my tux and pjs and my pillow and blanket. "I don't want to leave you tonight!" I whimper as Daniel hugs me. "I don't want you to leave either. But think about it, we are getting engaged tomorrow!" He states, and I smile. "I'm so glad i'm getting engaged to you, and nobody else." I smile. Suddenly a car horn beeps, and it's Shane. "Well, my rides here. I'll see you tomorrow pig!" I give him a hug and a kiss goodbye, and I head outside to Shane's car. "Hey Shane! Thanks for letting me stay at your house over night!" I say to him. "No problem!" he replies. I look out the window and I think to myself: Wow, I'm really getting married tomorrow. My life will change forever. I'm gonna be a married man. I'm actually getting married to Daniel Christopher Preda.

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