Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

"You all seriously think you're going to make it out here alive?" Stephanie snorted. "Like I'd let that happen!"

"Stephanie, please," I tried to reason with her. "Think about what you're doing right right now." Stephanie's eyes softened for a second before going back to glaring at me. "I'm killing a bitch, that's what I'm doing." She rose the gun to my face and was about to pull the trigger when suddenly the door bursted open. Liam walked in with Niall dragging Austin's tied up body behind him. They all gasped once they saw the gun Stephanie was holding, as well as the situation Harry was in. "Wrong timing boys, I was just about to kill this cunt right here. I guess I'll have to kill you all too." Stephanie grabbed a rope from the corner and tied us all up together on the floor. I looked over at Harry and scrunched up my face when I saw the mother running her hands on Harry's legs. 'Help me' he mouthed to me. I gave him a reassuring look and mouthed, 'Don't worry, I will'.

I need a distraction plan so I can untie the rope around us. Stephanie isn't so smart because she didn't tightened the rope at all so it was hanging loosely around us. "Stephanie," I said. "I left Allison and her friends baking downstairs." Stephanie immediately turned around and glared at me. "Are you that fucking stupid? Those little girls can burn the house down!"

"Well I would've been watching them if you haven't kidnapped Harry!" Stephanie rolled her eyes and ran out of the room so I took my chance and stood up. The rope dangled off of us and we all quickly ran towards Harry. "Hey!-" the mother said but I slapped her cheek as hard I could to shut her up. Harry immediately separated from the lady and changed back into his clothes. "Disgusting," Harry spat at her. He grabbed the rope and forcefully tied her up on the wooden bed. "Do we just leave them here?" Niall said referring to Austin and the mother. Harry's face suddenly brightened up and he raised his finger in the air. "Why don't we stuff them in the closet?" He suggested and we all nodded in agreement. When they both were in the closet, Harry raised his middle finger at both of them before slowly closing the closet doors. We all ran out of the room and down stairs but I quickly stopped running when I heard a weird noise coming out of Shaun's bedroom. "What's wrong-" Liam began to say but I quickly covered his mouth with my hand. "Shhh," I whispered. "I hear something in here." I slowly opened the door and took a peek in the bedroom. Oh my god I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Zayn!" We all cheered when we saw the dark haired boy sitting on Shaun's bed.

"Oh hey lads," he nervously said. "W-What are you doing in here?" Niall ran up to him and pulled him in for a giant hug. "We're here to rescue you! Where have you been all this time buddy?" Zayn suddenly tensed up when a weird noise came out of the closet. He quickly separated from Niall and ran to the closet, whispering something to it and pretending like nothing happened. "What's in the closet, 'Zayn'?" I said while placing my hands on my hips and eyeing him suspiciously. He gulped and sweat started trickling down from his forehead. "I um-" Harry opened up the closet and a familiar body dropped out of it. We all gasped when we saw it was Zayn's body. 'Zayn' was about to run away when Harry tackled him on the floor and began throwing punches. I quickly ran over to Zayn and untied the ropes around him. "That guys crazy! Shaun pretended to be me and locked me in a closet!" Harry grabbed the ropes from the floor and tied up up Shaun, picking him up and stuffing him in the closet. Zayn walked up to him and gave him the middle finger before closing the door on his face.

"Lets go!" Niall said and started running out of the room but Liam held him back. "Wait," he said. "Where's Louis?"

"Aw man. We can't leave him here. We have to go find him." I said and everyone agreed. We ran down stairs and went to the room where we all knew he would be, Shelby's bedroom. I bursted into the room and found Louis on the floor, bruised all over his body and playing tea party with devil little Shelby. "Get out!" She screamed and suddenly started beating me with a plastic baseball bat. "Ow! Help!" I yelled and Harry yanked Shelby off of me. He threw her on the floor and body slammed on her tiny little body. Shelby let out a high pitched scream and actually pushed Harry off of her. Louis suddenly ran towards her and wrapped his arms around her so she couldn't move anywhere. He tied her up and shoved her into the closet without feeling a bit bad for her. 

"Okay lets go!" Zayn said but then Louis stopped us. "Oh what now?" I groaned.

"I can't run, that little bitch hurt me really badly." Liam picked Louis up and ran out of them room with us running behind him. We were about to run out of the house when Allison and her little friends blocked the doors. "Oh my god! Just let us go!" I whined. "Why do want us?"

"Because," Stephanie suddenly said out of nowhere. "When we picked you guys up from the streets, I only wanted Harry but you all had to come along. So to get rid of you all, I was gonna kill you and keep Harry for myself." Stephanie smirked and pulled out the gun she was gonna use earlier. I closed my eyes and waited for the bullet to hit me when I heard the gun shot but, it never did. I slowly opened my eyes and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Stephanie was on the floor, bleeding from her head where she was... shot. I looked to my left and saw four year old Jason standing their with a gun in his hand. "Jason! What the f-" Allison began to say but Jason pointed the gun in her direction and Allison shut her mouth.

"Go." Jason said and all of us ran out of the house as fast as our feet could take us. "We're free!" I yelled at the top of my lung and gave Harry the biggest hug I could. Out of nowhere, a black van pulled up to us and a tall black figure walked out of the car. It was Simon. "Hello," He said. "You all had a pretty big adventure huh?"

"What the hell Simon! You sent us to prison, we were kidnapped, abused, almost raped, and that's all you have to say?!" Harry yelled and Simon cruelly started laughing. "Well firstly, the whole sending you to prison was a fake. I just wanted to teach you all a lesson. I was gonna set you free the next day but you all ended up escaping which I have no idea how." Simon stepped to the side and pointed inside of his black van. "C'mon lets go. The cops have some questioning for you all."


After we went to the police station, Harry and I went to Simons office and the rest of the boys headed home to rest. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the chair in front of Simons desk. "Well, I see you two have a very difficult relationship," he said. "and after everything, I'm allowing you two to date." I looked over at Harry and saw he was looking at me with pure love in his eyes. I smiled and intertwined out hands together because finally, everyone will know about us.

The end. finally.


Okay yeah I know that was completely shitty and short and I probably disappointed you but I just wanted to end this story already. There is probably gonna be an epilogue but I'm not sure about it. Anyways, I love you all for reading all of this horrible story. Thank you so much.

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