Bumping into mr.perfect

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"Julia!!" My sister Marie screamed down the hall. Me and Marie have been living on the same house since our parents death last year. "If you don't go to the store right now you will starve tonight!" I moaned and looked at the clock it was only 12:38 so I had plenty of time to go to the store. "I'll be right there!" I screamed to her from the top of the stairs. I slowly walked back to my room to put on my mascara and eyeliner everything was already done.
As I walked down the streets of L.A. only looking at my shoes I bumped into someone, "I am so sorry about that." I said while blushing. He was a young boy around my age maybe 24 he had cute brown eyes and brown hair in a fringe. When I lolled at him I couldn't help but notice he was staring, "sorry again but you look so beautiful may I get your number or first buy you a cup of coffee to let us get to know each other better?" He said in his adorable British accent, "I will allow you to buy me coffee but may I first get you name?" I asked him. He blushed and said, "sorry about that my name is Daniel Howell." "Well Daniel Howell my name is Julia." As we arrived at the coffee shop I noticed that he had been rubbing the back of his neck like he was shy or nervous. We were the only ones there and I ordered a frapp and he ordered some tea which I kinda expected knowing he was British. "That will be $4.35."the cashier said when I attempted to pull out my wallet Daniel said, "no please let me." All I could do was nod I was taken aback by how cute he was. We exchanged numbers before we walked in opposite directions him to his house and me to the store.

This is my first ever fan fiction so I hope you guys like it I also need an editor so comment below if you wanna be my editor. I will publish one part everyday and if I miss a day I will publish 2 parts stay fab guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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