Chapter 1: You, Me... and Misaki

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     I feel the heat run through my body. It's a feeling nobody could understand. It is as if his body heat has power in it. We are hardly touching though. Just laying side-by-side. Something similar to Anna when she experiences Mikoto's red, only stronger. This is the feeling of two hearts beating together.

     It had been three years since Tatara met me. Three years since he brought me to HOMRA. It was him who recognized my potential. I was more level-headed than the majority of the clan, but I had a way of understanding them. It was my power. My gift from the Red King, to know the emotions and feelings of a person with one touch. It only took one ill-timed touch for me to learn that a Homra's emotions are complicated. Tatara's touch never troubled me though.

     As I lay there, I feel the warmth drift. I open my eyes to see Tatara awake and smiling down at me. "Ah. My dear! I didn't mean to wake you up!" I look back up with a grin, "You are awake, so I am awake." Our locked gazes are interrupted when we hear a disapproving grunt at the door. "Honestly, you two talk as if you're in a shitty romance novel." I smirk at the clansman in the door. "Misaki..." He hardly makes eye contact with me, as usual. I could only read his emotions if I touched him, but Misaki Yata was a vault of secrets and he wasn't taking his chances of them being shared. "Yata-san!" Totsuka said, "Morning! Did you also get the message about SCEPTER 4 in our territory? No worries! It's just a precaution. There's no need for a fight today." His smile is the most genuine of anyone's. It's as if he knows you are not taking him seriously, but he speaks anyway. Misaki slings his skateboard over his shoulder. "They are breathing our air. That alone is a reason for a fight." He lets out an annoyed sigh and continues, "Mr. Kusanagi wants us to check it out, just in case they are up to their usual crap." Tatara squints his eyes and laughs, "That would be a first! Just the two of us paired up for a job, huh Yata?"

"Not you, Totska..." Both of them look at me. Me? I can understand why Kusanagi picked me though. If Yata got into a fight, most of the Reds would encourage it and the rest he wouldn't listen to. But me... Misaki has no desire to impress girls, nor does he want to piss them off. If he gets into a fight, I can stop it... hopefully. "Ok, I'll be there in a sec." He walks out with a frustrated grunt, probably thinking this is stupid because he could go himself. I hurry to the closet and before it's open I feel Tatara's warmth as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I hear him speak softly and can't help but close my eyes and smile as I feel his genuine emotions, "Help Me," he said, "Tell me not to be jealous of Yata as he get's to spend the morning with you." I let out a subtle laugh. "Strange. I can feel your every emotion, but sense no jealousy." I turn and face him. "Perhaps," he replies, "it's because inside I know you will return to me." He leans forward and gives me a kiss and pulling away ever so slightly whispers, "My sweet Kimiko."

It wasn't my real name... I changed my name after I left home. I went by many nicknames to avoid my family until the day Tatara met me. He found me standing on a rooftop in the city. That was the night of a lunar eclipse and we both were not going to miss it. We stayed out all night. Every night we returned to look at the clear sky. I realized I had never given him a name to call me by. "I've given you one," he said not breaking his gaze from the stars, "Kimiko... unlike any other." I liked it, not because of what it meant, but because he gave it to me.

"It is looking to be a nice night tonight," he said through a grin. "Perhaps another star gaze? The usual spot." I laugh, "Just as long as you don't bring that silly camera again." He grins more and replies, "I can make no such promises." I give him another kiss and take my coat from the closet. "See you tonight then."

I leave him there and walk to the door. Sun already coming through the windows... not a bad start to a perfect December day.

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