Undyne The Slayer

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//Not the canon name for Undyne but it would fit for Underfell, Or at least my Underfell//

"Come on" Suddenly Sans grabs you and you quickly take off your headphones before the cord snapped pulling you away from the little ghost music table. "Sorry Blooky, Big baby needs attention" You taunt and You can feel Sans stare burning into the back of your skull. "where are we going?" You asked feeling utterly rushed but suddenly your caught off guard by a extended metal arm. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING DARLING~ YOU STILL HAVENT PAID YOUR DUES FOR MY HOSPITALITY" A taunting British voice spoke from the shadows, You jumped out the way as the arm zoomed passed you and grabbed Sans by the hood.

Mettaton laughed demonically as Underfell sighed crushing Mettatons arm "Dont grab me like im a toy" Sans snapped turning around and Mettaton let go but the doors suddenly locked shut when you tried to open it. "Pay up" Mettaton hissed as the two growled at each other. "Fine, lets get this over with..." Sans rolled his eyes. "no! your gonna have a good attitude towards this or im killing her and eating her for dinner" Mettaton snarled eviliy. "Good ahead I dont care" He said in a hesitant matter. "SANS WHAT THE F***K!" You screamed as Mettatons piercing gaze turned towards you.

Mettaton knew his little tsundere skeleton so well, "alright them" Mettaton grabbed you and brought you above him opening his mouth "delicious human flesh" He was about to drop you into his sharply fanged mouth when Sans cringed slightly "heh" He just drops you so you hit the floor with a loud slam. You cried out in pain as your healing rib was cracked again. "f-fine..." Sans muttered quietly. "better..." Mettaton pulled Underfell into another room. 

~~~~ Timeskip brought to you by The GlamBurger's ~~~~

Mettaton pushed Sans out the door with you very quickly after whatever happened, slightly scarred from what you heard "Stop by any time darling~!" Mettaton waved you and Sans off. Sans fixed him self up slightly "what did he do to you?" You asked looking at him very judgingly. "I just had to offer up my body for one quick round... ya know... the normal thing with that bastard" Sans rolled his eyes. You two continued on your walk silently.

It was oddly quiet, Suddenly Sans stopped and his gaze averted from the ground and his red eye activated, You looked at him nervously and within seconds Sans had shoved you like thirty feet to the side and Sans had caught the blood red spear in his hands with ease. "well well, Is that really any way to greet a new pal?" Sans snarled as you could finally see who it was that had attacked you. A scaled fish lady with blood red hair that was extremely long, Her eyes golden that glew with Murder Lust and true Determination, She was in a black outfit with long red gloves tattered and marked with a dark substance

Undyne the Slayer

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