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I watched the best i could. I saw y/n crying and clenching my blanket in her arms. She kept sobbing on how it smelt just like me and how i was gone. I jus couldn't let xion hurt my y/n. Truth be told we are so close sometimes we are mistaken for a couple. This i why the kissing doesn't phase us. To us its just that.

I then seen her stand. She was grabbing for a ring of keys on hr belt,"Open! Heavens gate!" She held the key out and twisted it like she was unlocking a un-key padded door. Her tears had stopped.

Though she never told me she was the daughter of a god, i coukd sense it. I knew no matter how hard she tried, the gate to heaven would never open up and welcome her too. She was going to live eternally in the world of demons or on earth. Never forgiving herself of what had happened.

"Roxas," she murmured though pursed lips. Her bands had fallen over her teary eyes shielding them from veiw,"I need you"

(Roxas X Reader) Nobody✔Where stories live. Discover now