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"You can't be serious!" Zeus stated. "A bunch of kids are the army of Chaos sent to help?"
"Dont get your godly knickers in a twease Lord Zeus, we are the best in pretty much everything. So if you coul-" I was interupted by a voice i only knew so well. Thals squezed my shoulder.
"Who are you all, for starters, and if you've been traveling then did you happen to meet someone by the name of Percy Jackson?" Annabeth came storming in with bags under her grey eyes whitch were puffy and red, and her face streaked with dried tears.
"We are Team Omega. I am Anaklusmos the commander, this is my second in command Lia, third in command Stryker, and the rest are Shadowed, Hunter, and Blaze. Who are you? And why do ask?" I reply, my assassin outfit and the cloak with the mask hide my pained expression.
"My name is Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena and Percy used to be my boyfriend until we as in all the camps plus gods started trearing him like dirt and blaming him on everything. Three years ago he left. No one saw him leave. Its like he's vanished." She said.
"Well Annie Bell, im sure he's gone because of what happend. By all means tell us what you did."
"Its Annabeth and his half brother Ashlan brainwashed all of us except Percy's cousins Thalia and Jason Grace, and Nico di Angelo. Percy's father disowned him and got his mother and step-father to hate him aswell. We all regret it emensly."
"I have indeed met this Percy fellow. He told me that you betrayed him the most. What on Earth did you do?" I sneered. For a moment she looked scared then sad then normal. "I... I sort of might of been brainwashed into kissing Ashlan. Something was telling me to do so and i could see myself doing that but couldn't stop it." She looked pained.
Thals, i cant answer. Ask for the portal  to camp.
I told her in my mind.
"Lord Zeus if we may, have that portal to that demigod camp please?" Thals asked. We got the portal and jumped through.
We were greeted by non other than Chiron himself.
"Ah Commander Anaklusmos, Team Omega, glad you could make it. This is Tyson Genneral of Lord Poseidons cyclops army. Tyson this is Team Omega. Please have lunch with us we will have a meeting regaurding this... War." He and Tyson walked down to the dining pavillion. We sat with Chiron and was about to eat when we heard a voice.
"Hey are you guys going to be silent observers or tell us who you are and why your hear? I've got training to do!" It was Clarisse standing at the Ares table.
"Are all of Ares children so impatient and rude? If you would so kindly let us eat the maybe we will tell you at the meeting with all head counselors meeting. Untill then, sit down and shut up Clarisse La Rue!" My voice bitter and dripping with venom.

Percy Jackson is Dead or So We BelieveWhere stories live. Discover now