Chapter 3

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I can't believe it. I'm actually pregnant. With Chad's baby.

"Britt? What is it?" Jennie asks tenderly and rushes to my side.

I don't answer but hand the pregnancy test to her.

"Oh my gosh Britt!" She grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a hug.

I'm sobbing softly into her shirt as she's rubbing my back. I can't have a baby! I'm not even married! Or engaged!

"I can't be a mother!" I cry but Jennie shushes me.

"Britt everything is going to be okay! I will be here every step of the way." She soothes.

After a few minutes of hysterics I finally calm down.

"Britt?" Jennie breaks the silence "You have to tell him."

I nod and pull out my phone. I unlock it and scroll through my contacts to text him.

B: I need to talk to you. It's urgent.

I wait a few minutes before I hear my phone buzz.

C: The apartment in 20.

I sigh and wipe away a stray tear.

B: K. See you soon.


I arrive back at the apartment Chad and I own and park my car.

Chad's car is here so he must be inside.

I walk up to the building, step inside, and take the elevator up to the top floor. I walk down the hallway and stop at our door, taking out my key and unlocking it.

Opening the door slowly I step inside and take a deep breath. It's all gonna be ok.

"Hey. What's up?" Chad greets.

He's lying down on the couch with a magazine in hand. He couldn't look more done with this conversation, even though it hasn't even started.

I take a deep breath, trying to brace myself for what's going to happen next.

"We need to talk."


I walk over to the chair on the opposite side of the room from Chad and take a seat.

"I'm pregnant" I mumble.

Chad looks up from his magazine at me and lets out a soft chuckle.

"Ok but what did you really want to say?"

"No Chad, I'm pregnant. This isn't a joke."

"You're kidding right?"

I shake my head.

"Are you sure?"

I nod my head.

Chad stands up slowly and puts his magazine down on the coffee table. He walks over to me and stands in front of me.

He grabs my arm roughly and yanks me to my feet. He raises his hand and slaps it across my face.

I let out a gasp as tears sting my eyes.

"You're a disgrace to me, my family, your family, and everyone who either has or will lay eyes on you!" He yells at me lifting up his hand to hit me again.

I try to protect myself from the blow with my hands but it still hurts when he connects my face with his hand.

"Stop please!" I yell at him.

Chad instead forms his hand into a first before hitting me again.

I fall down and he starts kicking me.  I start crying and beg for him to stop but he just kicks me harder.

After what's seems like forever he stops and grabs my wrist harshly, yanking me to my feet.

"Get out." He says sternly and twists my wrist backwards. I hear a small crack and whimper in pain.

He lets go of me and shoves me towards the door.

"Leave and never come back." He shouts and I bolt out the door.

I run down the hallways and out of the building. I don't stop running until I'm exhausted and gasping for breath. I look up to the sky and I feel rain surround me. I let out a quiet sob and pull out my phone.

I type in Jennie's number and after a couple rings she picks up.

"Hello?" She greets.

"Jennie? I need help."

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