Chapter VI; Nobodies

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Yuki leaned up against the wall around the station plaza, looking out over Twilight Town as the sun began to set. Y stood directly next to her leaning on her arms. She too was looking over the town. It was silent between the two. A few minutes later X came up holding three sea salt ice creams. One in each hand and one in his mouth. He gave each of the girls an ice cream before going to Y's other side, leaning against the wall facing away from the town towards the station.

This had become the norm for them over the past seven days. They were usually quite at first but would eventually start exchanging news. It was the way their friendship had formed and none of them saw reason to argue.

"Is it true that another group is going to be using the castle soon?" Y asked casually.

"Yeah, a bunch of Nobodies are coming in. Not the whole group from what I hear." X replied.

"Nobodies? Well, that's not very nice." Y said frowning. Yuki laughed.

X sighed heavily. "I forgot how clueless you two are." He muttered.

"Then teach us." Yuki said looking over at X.

"Nobodies are what's left of a person when their heart falls into darkness. They're like us but not able to steal hearts." X explained.

"Oh, so a bunch of them are coming in?" Y asked thinking.

"Yeah, six or seven of the elites and then whatever smaller ones pop up." X answered.

"Why?" Y asked looking over at her brother.

"Don't know. They have some weird plan to mess with a couple Somebodies." X replied.

"Wait, so there'll be humans in the castle?" Yuki asked shocked.

"Yeah. In total four outsiders are accounted for. Not all of them are human though." X replied calmly.

"Then what are they?" Y asked confused.

"Don't know. Something." X replied with a shrug. It wasn't that big of a deal for him. Things like this would happen occasionally. Though the humans in the castle was a little uncommon.

Y looked over the town thinking. Yuki glanced back behind her looking up at the clock tower. She could see what looked like two people sitting on top. She tipped her head to the side curiously then looked out over the town.

The view up there must have been good. It looked beautiful from down on the ground but up in the air, it must have been so much better. But who were those two? And where'd they come up with the idea to sit up there?

X stretched and sighed. "We need to head back. Tayressa says we have to 'be ready for our guest'." He said it almost mockingly.

"You don't sound too convinced there." Yuki said with a laugh. Y giggled in agreement.

"We share the stupid castle with them, they aren't guest. We shouldn't have to wait on them." X complained.

"Come on X, let's get going." Y said grabbing her brothers arm and dragging him to the portal, which Y had discovered was called a dark corridor. Yuki watched and laughed. Those two were so goofy with each other. Their opposite personalities only made it funnier. Yuki stood and walked to the dark corridor. She looked up at the clock tower one more time before going through the corridor back to the castle.


Day 22- Entry 6,
Nothing much has happened lately. Me, X, and Y have been having ice cream together after work in Twilight Town. It's really fun.
X mentioned we'd be getting Nobodies in the castle. I'm curious to see what they're like. X doesn't seem too fond of them though.

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