He got in a Fist Fight

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Chloé was coming and she would weasel her way between me and Adrien. I heard Adrien curse under his breath. We finally pulled up to the restaurant. I went to get out when Adrien grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Uh hey?" I said more like a question. "Hey. Uh. Are you okay with Chloé being here? I mean like we could just hang and ignore her." He said looking straight in my eyes. "I don't mind. What's the worst that could happen?" I lied and shrugged. He smiled and we got out the car. We caught up with our parents and we were led to our circular table. His dad sat down. My dad pulled out the chair for my mom. As my mom sat,  I put my clutch under the table. I grabbed the chair to sit down when Adrien pulled it out for me. He pushed me in and he sat next to me. The waitress came to our table and looked at everyone. "I don't think I need to ask, but does anyone need kids menus?" She asked sweetly. "Can you color them?" I asked as Adrien chuckled. She nodded as I raise my hand. I turn around and saw Adrien had his up too. I giggled at him as he chuckled at me. The waitress scurried away. "Wanna play a game?" He asked very excited. "Sure what ga-" he cut me off. "Rock, Paper, Scissors!" I did the gestures and in the end the score was 5 for me and 7 for him. By the time we finished the last game, she came back with our kid menus. "Drinks?" She asked as me and Adrien grabbed our colors. Our parents ordered. "I would like a Coke please." I said. "I would like a Coke also!" Adrien said. "Let's play another game!" "Oka-" I was cut off once again, but not by Adrien. By Ms. Crash-Your-Party. "Cinnamon Roll! You know their doing a couples dance right?" Chloé said pulling Adrien away. I waved as he mouthed the words "help me". A few seconds later, he disappeared into the crowd of couples. "Why didn't you go dance with Adrien?" My mother asked. "I think I will let Chloé have this one." I said and looked down. As I went to grab my phone, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw Kim. "I get Chloé you get Adrien." He said and pulled me up. He dragged me next to Chloé and Adrien. Adrien looked mad. Not just mad, but sad also. Kim looked at him and gave him looks that surprisingly, Adrien understood. All at once, everyone spun their partner and Kim and Adrien hurried up and switched. "Hey." Adrien said. "Hey" I giggled and looked away. "Why didn't you help me?" He whined jokingly. "I did. See your not dancing with her anymore." I laughed. "I guess." He rolled his eyes as another part of his joke. "I left my coloring page for you!" I whined. "Do you you want to go back and color instead of doing this cliché junk?" He asked motioning his head to the table, where our drinks sat. I nodded and we walked back, with him still holding my hand. We sat down, still letting go. The waitress came back and asked what we wanted. After everyone ordered, we heard shoes clacking against the wooden floor. Then whispering. What was the big deal?
Adrien/Chat Noir•
"She is the one" I heard someone whisper. As Marinette's parents went to the restroom, I turned around I saw it. It was too fast for me to prevent. Cold ice, and sticky Coke was pored all over my beautiful friend. Marinette jumped up. She turned and saw Chloé videoing. Her eyes immediately scanned the crowd. We both located a boy our age holding an empty cup, laughing. Marinette turned around and walked the opposite way. I watched as she walked outside. I didn't want her to see what I was going to do. I approached the boy who poured their drink on my friend. "Do you have a problem or something?" I said as I got close to him. We were about the same height so he wasn't looking down on me and vise versa. "Aw look. It's Mr. Adrien Agreste. The model who is on almost every billboard. I don't have a problem but I think you do." He said and shoved me. I shoved him back. He went to attack me when I ducked and swung my foot and his feet fell from under him. He threw a punch and it landed right smack on my left eye.  I stumbled back. I regained my strength and pounced on him. I started punching him. As the fight continued, my dad finally noticed and pried me off of him. Marinette's parents finally came back. "Where's Marinette?" They asked. I felt my eyes get huge. I grabbed her purse and ran out the restaurant and saw her. She was standing by the little lake that was on the other side of the road. She lied down and silently cried. I slowly crept up to her. I lied next to her. I pushed up on my elbow and pulled her up. "Adrien?" She said very shaky. "Yeah. I'm here." I wiped her tears. Her eyes landed on my left one. "What happened?" She asked frantically. "Don't worry about it." I smiled as she stopped crying. "Adrien? Marinette?" I heard our parents yell. "Let's go." I said and handed her the red clutch. The modeling industry has taught me everything about every speck of clothing or accessory. We stood up and walked to our parents. We went in the car and drove to the bakery. Her parents walked in and I said,"It was fun tonight, Marinette. We should go out another time. Oh and my dad told me your parents might let you do the designing. It was a definite yes, but then they saw what happened and now they don't know." I itched my neck. "Well what happened?" She asked very confused. "That's for them to tell. I have to go, see you tomorrow!" I hugged her and walked back to the limo.
I walked in the bakery. "Sit down honey." My mother said. I did as told and they sighed. "Adrien seems like a really good friend, but we saw what happened in the restaurant." My dad started. "Well what happened?" I asked still confused. "He got in a fist fight. That's what happened to his eye" my mom said. "With that being said, we don't want you talking to Adrien anymore."
This whole chapter has 1143 words, counting this A/N. I hope you liked today's chapter!!! Comment if you want to see how Marinette and Adrien's outfits looked.

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