
81 1 0

madison / bold
sienna / italic


[7:08pm] Hey are you busy tonight??

[7:23pm] why

[7:25pm] Becauseee there's a party tonight!!! You should come!

[7:49pm] um no thanks

[7:50pm] Why not?
[7:51pm] Are you mad @ me or something?

[8:00pm] where would you get that idea!1!1!

[8:01pm] Ok, when you are ready to talk, i'm here for you

[8:19pm] that's what they all say
[8:20pm] you're full of shit, sienna

[8:23pm] Again, i'm here when youre ready to talk

[8:24pm] fuck you

[8:26pm] That's the fastest you've replied to me all night!!!! :)

[8:34pm] do me a favor and stop texting me. i will block you.

[8:36pm] :(

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