Neon Black

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Hey guys this is my second story on the Wattpad, Sooooo you should chack out my first one!!!!!!! It’s called Fire and Ice and I’m likin it ;) Regardless, comment and vote and fan and stuff because I wanna know if this is a good idea or not!! So…. Thank you, love you all, and have fun! BTW!!!! I have a soundtrack for this story!!! :D kk soo the pictures on the side are as follows!

Woman: Selene, Piper’s  Mom

Man: Barry, Piper’s Dad

Castle Thing: Raindale Academy, Piper’s new school 

Song is by Sia, It's called You Have Been Loved, and I figured it went with the chapter!!!

============================================================================I hear sobbing coming from the next room. I’m supposed to be in bed sleeping, but I hold my breath so I can hear better.  It’s Mommy… Why is she crying?

“Why Barry? Why us? Why her?” Mommy choked out

“I don’t know, Selene. I don’t know. All I know is that we have to believe that it’s all going to work out.” my Daddy’s low, stable voice replied. Only now it didn’t sound so stable…

“But she’s only 5, Barry. Isn’t there some sort of rule that says they can’t take her yet? At least then we’ll have a couple years more with her!” I can hear the sadness in mommy’s voice…

“Selene, you’re just grasping for a ledge that isn’t there. They could have taken her at 3. We have no way out of this. She has no negative medical history, no trouble developing, nothing. We can’t do a thing.” Daddy said calmly still

“How the hell can you remain so calm when our daughter is being taken away?! We are never going to see her again!” Mommy shrieked 

I gasped in surprise. Why am I going away?

“Selene! Get a hold on yourself! You’ll wake her up and scare her!” Daddy said with a little more anger in his voice.

“I know…  I-I just… Oh Barry… What are we going to do?” I heard Mommy cry some more and it sounded like she was getting hurt. I heard another person crying. A man… Is there another man here?

“I don’t know… I don’t know…” Daddy choked out. Why is Daddy crying? I’ve never heard Daddy cry before… I should go see why I have to leave now… Even though I might get in trouble… I still need to ask. I slowly open the door and see Mommy on the floor with Daddy holding her, with a piece of paper in his hands.

“Why do I have to leave?” I whispered

Mommy and Daddy’s heads both snapped up at the same time

“Hi sweetie!” Mommy said with fake happiness

“Hey Peter” Daddy said sadly, using his nickname for me

“How long have you been up, Piper” Mommy asked

“I haven’t fallen asleep yet… Why do I have to leave Mommy?” I was holding back tears now. I don’t want to leave…

“Peter, do you remember when I told you about that school for very special people?” Daddy asked


“Well, you’ve been chosen to go!” Daddy said with false enthusiasm “The only problem is that you have to move there to go.”

“But I can see you guys, right?” I asked hopefully

“No Peter, you can’t” Daddy said, looking like he was going to cry

“Why?” I whispered

“Because that’s just how the school works, love” Mommy said sadly

“I don’t want to go…” I said, crying

“Peter, don’t cry. But you need to go. But no matter what, we will always love you more than anything. Now come here” Daddy said and held out his arms. 

I rushed into them and grabbed Mommy so we were having one big hug. We stayed like that till I was asleep. I dreamed of what Daddy had told me of this school.

See that, Peter? That’s Raindale Academy. It’s a school for very special boys and girls. They get watched over when they’re little, like you. If they are special enough for the school, they get put into it

“Daddy, can I go there?” I asked excitedly

“No. You cannot. You don’t want to go there, Peter. The people there take the very special children away from their parents. Now, you 4, so they must have missed you, since you are the most special of all!” Daddy said to me

I giggled

“Why do you call me Peter, Daddy?” I asked him, curious

“Because your name is Piper, and there’s an old tongue twister that goes ‘Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers”, and you have to say it 10 times fast, without messing up” he finished off laughing and we both tried to finish the tongue twister on the way home, him walking, me on his shoulders.


The very next day, Mommy and Daddy said goodbye, we all cried, and I was left at Raindale Academy. I didn’t know what they taught here; whenever I tried to ask Mommy she would just start crying, and whenever I tried to ask Daddy he would just act like I didn’t ask him anything. I wasn’t allowed to bring anything, so I was all alone. Nothing to comfort me. Except for my necklace that Mommy gave me. She told me to keep it hidden. It was to remind me of her and Daddy

Neon BlackWhere stories live. Discover now