Fights and Curving Bullets

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 Ok guys. I know I’m a bad person for the extremely late upload, but it’s a good chappie for y’all! So I’ve had some feed back that there has been some confusion as to Piper’s gender? Well she’s a GIRL, and her dad only called her Peter because of the tongue twister. You know, Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers? LOL Anywhooo comment. Read. Fan me. Vote cus your face is sexy ;) Song on the side is the 4 mean girls theme song ;)

XXXxxxXXXxxx Sage <3


I ran headfirst into the trees and immediately looked for cover. As soon as I hid myself, I saw a girl run into the area I was ninja-ing in.  I smirked. These people just made everything too easy. I took out my gun, aimed, and pulled the trigger. Our training gear, though small, is actually very protective and pretty much kills all the pain we should feel. She squealed in surprise and muttered a long list of quite colorful profanities. 

“Joan Barkley please exit the courtyard” Roux’s voice boomed over unseen speakers. Huh. That’s new.

“After this is over show me who got me! I wanna know!” Joan yelled while walking away.

I’ll go talk to her later. I waited for a few more moments before I moved again to makes sure no one else was waiting around, looking around for the shooter of this… ‘Joan’, I started to move and search for other enemies.  I was walking in between  2 trees when I heard something. Just the barest shuffling of leaves and I looked up only to see a foot disappear into the leaves. I guessed that this one hadn’t seen me, otherwise I’d be hit. They were probably looking at someone else through the trees. I shot where the foot had disappeared and heard a distinct “Ooph” of someone getting hit with a pellet.

“Brody  Calvin, Missy Slavouski, Felicia Day, Makena Marie, Cinder Carmine, Brandon Moris, Rick Carbonette, and Purity Rivero please exit the courtyard.”

I counted the names in my head, and came out with 9 people gone. That meant only two people left. One of those were me, and I knew all to well who that other person was. 

Ethan. Ethan price. Purity Rivero’s boyfriend, and the most gorgeous boy in the school. If we had jocks and cheerleaders and geeks and such, he would be the star quarterback, and Purity would be the head cheerleader. Her and her crew were the heads of the school. The ones who ‘ruled’ it. They were the beautiful people and they knew it.

I was snapped out of my musings by the wind blowing my hair into my face. I need to focus, and hunt down Price. I took a quick look around and sped off into the push. After a few minutes of crawling around quietly I was rewarded by a glimpse of light blonde hair. It ducked out of sight and I silently walk to where it had been, keeping out of sight. That’s when I saw the leaves rustle, and I knew that I had him. I quickly shot into the moving bush and heard Ethan swear loudly. He walked out in all his glory, looking severely ticked off. He glared at me while I silently appraised his good looks. I had never really met him, but his hotness was pretty insane. He had short blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and was muscularly built. I could just imagine his abs...

“Look. I know I’m absolutely gorgeous and hot and everything, but keep your raging female hormones in check and keep this a secret, and maybe I’ll say hi today. I won .” He said smirking. Me, being the violent person that I am, punched his smug little face after I got over my surprise at just how much of a jerk this guy was.

“Sorry there. My ‘hormones’ just couldn’t help themselves” I scowled and started to walk away

“You broke my nose!”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2011 ⏰

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