chapter 13 Bring Out Bob

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I was out there with her. "Bill, bring the hoe!" In a minute, Bill came out with Tom attached to his arm. "Here he is." He pushed Tom to Jessica and Tom handed her the hoe. They named it Bob. Amazing. Jessica threw "Bob" down next to Jessica. "Take your hoe and get out of here." she said calmly to Cheyenne. She got up and she ran; leaving Bob behind.

"I'm sorry for not believing you two." she said to Tom and I. "Don't worry, I forgive you." said Tom. "It's alright." I said. "We should go back inside, guys. It's getting chilly out." said Bill.

When I woke up the next morning, I "felt" somebody in my room; which made me remember what happened yesterday. I turned around to see it was Bill. "Good morning, Bill." "Good morning, liebe." He picked something up off the floor and it was a tray of waffles and milk. "Happy Valentine's Day!" he said as he bent down to kiss me. "You're too sweet. Danke, liebe." I said. "Happy Valentine's Day to you, too." "I also have a little surprise for you!" He was too excited. "I have plane tickets for North Carolina so you can see your family for Valentine's Day!" Wow. "Thank you, Billa! I love it. I'm sure my family will love this, and they'll love you, too, but should really meet my mom first, dad second, nanny LAST!" He laughed at me a little. "Why?" "I'm afraid of Nanny. She's sure to know you when you walk in, though. She knows what you look like because I'd show her you and brag over you while my cousins and close friends made fun of me." He just giggled some more and pecked my cheek. Soft. "You'll want to hurry so you can get ready." He said, matter of factly. "Why?" "So you can see your family!" "Who all's coming?" "Everyone! Come on!" He was practically jumping out of his skin and I noticed I was laughing at him. He's too cute. He started motioning his hands through the air meaning to hurry, so, for his sake, I stuffed my face like a dog with waffles and drowned myself in milk and started getting ready.

We were all settled on the plane, all on the right side of the plane. Bill and I sat together. Tom and Jessica were in front of us, and Gustav and Georg were behind us. I looked out of the window as we started to move. My first time on a plane. SCARY!!

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