Chapter 1: The Performance

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Ariana's POV:
"I was surprised! I'm glad you joined me today, thank you"

Justin said it was his pleasure and he smirked.

"It was fun, we should do it more often." Justin said as he giggled.

I smiled at him and hugged him before going back on stage. After I finished the show I was exhausted.
I was happy...until I turned my phone on and saw all of the headlines about the performance. It was frustrating but I learnt to deal with it. I just hope Sean isn't mad...

[Skip to end of the day]

I just got out of the shower and checked my phone to see that I had 2 messages. 1 from Scooter Braun, and 1 from Sean...
I was slightly nervous to see what Sean said but I opened his message first.

Sean💕💘: hey babe, how are you

That's all he said? I was relieved but also kind of shocked.

Ariana: I'm good wbu? haven't seen you all day 😚

After that I opened Scooter's message.

Scooter: hey ari, I booked you a interview with Ellen on thursday. You will also perform one of ur songs which u pick. I also might get u on the tonight show but it's not confirmed yet. good performance with Justin today keep it up.

I love Ellen! I was excited about this and I thought about which song to perform.

Ariana: hey scoot, thank u and I decided to perform Break Free :)

After I replied I put my phone down and took off the towel which was wrapped around my head. After I put on some pjs and fixed my hair up I decided to post a selfie on Instagram for my fans and then I decided to talk to one of my best friends, Aaron. We talked for a bit and I ended up falling asleep shortly after.

Hey! Thank you for reading the pilot of my story.

Justin's POV is coming next chapter :)

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