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It was in the middle of the night when her phone suddenly rang which made her constantly wake up. *Who the hell will call in this freaking time?* 

            "Hyunji!" Chanyeol's voice is about to crack from the other line.

            "What's up? Did something happened?" 

            "Baekhyun's in the hospital!"


Her knees suddenly became weak, "W-why?"

            "Car accident!"


            "Damn it! Your freaking husband is lying lifelessly on the hospital bed with many scratches! What the hell, Hyunji! Aren't you going to come and see him?! I'm on my way to your place!" Chanyeol started to yelled from the other line.

            "Be quick." Was all she managed to say and hang-up the call.

Baekhyun's in the hospital?

She felt something clutching her chest which made her hard to breathe, tears fall from her eyes. True, you were mad at him but no one cannot deny the fact that she still caresfor Byun Baekhyun. Even though he broke her, he's still the Baekhyun that she had loved— loves. *Throughout these months, I gotta admit that I haven't moved on. My heart is still aching for Byun Baekhyun. I really care for him— a lot. This is also my fa—*       

            "Hyunji!" Chanyeol's voice echoed throughout the whole house. As quick as possible, sheopened the door. "Quick." He uttered and dragged her outside, pushing her inside the car. "Where is he?" she asked. "Seoul Medical Hospital." Chanyeol answered and started to drive.

            "Chanyeol.." she called out.


            "Thank you so much."

            "I know you a lot, Hyunji. I know that you still care about him."


After an hour, they finally reached theur destination. Hyunji nd Chanyeol met up Baekhyun's parents in the waiting room. They quickly approached her, "Sweetie, you came.." Mrs. Byun gave her a warm smile but she can clearly see her eyes that she must've been crying before they came since her eyes are puffy. Baekhyun's parents didn't expect that Hyunji will actually come for they now that Baekhyun and she got into a fight.

            "Where's Baekhyun? Can.. Can I see him?" 

            "Yes, he's in room 207." Mr. Byun answered.

Leaving them behind, she made her way to the elevator and after that, she started to find the room. *204.. 205.. 206.. 207!* She opened the door and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. Her heart sank and at the same time, dropped seeing Baekhyun lying on the hospital bed with bandages around his head, arms and legs, a few tubes attached and wires in his arms. She walked towards him, he's still unconscious and there are scratches on his face.

            "Bastard, why did you got hit? You're not that stupid, are you?" She asked to the unconscious figure infront of her. *Baekhyun, I cannot bear seeing you like this. Where's the cheerful and noisy Baekhyun? I simply miss him. Now, you're lying on the hospital bed with many wires attached on your body. I'm sorry for being sensitive, Baekhyun.* 

            "Baekhyun, I thought that you'll always take good care of yourself?"


[An EXO Story] I Hate That I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now