Chapter 2

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April's Pov:
Out of the triplets I am the shy one. I don't like talking to people. My biggest fear with this trip is running into fans and they notice my mom.
"Girls come on. We have to go now!" Mom yelled
I grabbed my bag and ran to moms car. Ashlyn had a big smile on her face. Mom noticed how scared I looked.
"April what's wrong?"
"I don't want to run into fans. If they notice you and see the two of us, they will know that we have been keeping a secret."
"Honey, don't worry. Everything will be fine. Trust me, it will."
We drove to the airport and went through security. Our flight still didn't board for another 20 minutes. We decided to go to the bathroom and go get some snacks. We both have phones so after like 15 minutes mom texted Ashlyn saying that we needed to go back to the gate. We walk back and we arE almost there when some yells.
Ashlyn and I look at them. Ashlyn looks away and walk ahead of me to seem that it is only one of us.
"Hi Avia!"
"Oh I'm not- I mean hi!"
Stupid April, what is wrong with you!
"Can I have your autograph?"
If they have any other autographs of Avia then they will know there is a difference. I write so much smaller and different from Avia's.
They hand me a pen and I start writing. I almost sign April but I catch myself when I start the v.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
She ran off and I caught up with Ashlyn.
"April, that was really close we need to wear sunglasses or something to hide us. Should we tell mom about this."
"Yes we should and yes we should tell her."
We run back to mom and she looks relived that we came back.
"What happened to you guys!"
"Well there was a fan and spotted me and Ashlyn looked the other way and walked ahead of me so yeah."
"Oh girls! I feel awful now that I told you that there were going to be no fans. Wait did they ask for an autograph?"
"Yeah and I almost put April on there but I caught myself."
"Ok, but next time be more careful. I brought a few pairs of sunglasses so you can take them."
Our plane boarded and we took off. It was a short flight to Salt Lake. We got on the other flight to Orlando.

Ashlyn's Pov:
I can't wait until we get to Disney. Mom said that we will be staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge. I love animals. Especially giraffes! We got off the plane and went to get our bags.
"Here you go girls." Mom says handing us our Magic bands.
I am a tom boy and very sporty so I got a blue one. April like sports but she isn't a girly girl like Avia so she got red and mom got pink. We need them to get on the Magical Express bus.
"Woah!" April said with her jaw dropping as we pulled into Animal Kingdom Lodge.
"Girls we need to get off here." Mom said (a/n if you don't know about Animal Kingdom Lodge there are two places in it. Jambo house and Kidani Village.)
"We are staying at Jambo house." Mom said grabbing our bags.
This place was like animal heaven when we walked in. Mom went and checked us in. April and I went around to look in the shop. This is going to be awesome!

So sorry for no update. I will try to update as soon as possible. I got a minor concussion so yeah.

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