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Today was actually a really good day, the whole family got along all day and I got to see Ryan and Corey for the first time in forever! 

But later in the night, everyone went to bed &as usual I stayed up on twitter and tumblr and whatnot. As I was scrolling through all of the tweets on my timeline, one in particular stood out for multiple reasons:

"#prayfortalia just keep swimming, baby girl xx" 

1) I always always always click the "pray for___" trends even if they're just spam, I always check to make sure.

2) "Just keep swimming" is my favorite quote from my favorite childhood movie

3) When I looked at the trends "prayfortalia" was the number one trend worldwide. 

4) The name was familiar because my friend had posted on facebook early this morning about a young girl with cancer.

I instantly starting searching for anything I could find about this girl. It turns out her name is Talia Castellano. She's 13 years old and was diagnosed with two different cancers six years ago. She runs a make up tutorial channel on youtube and she's absolutely beautiful. I went on her Instagram to find out more, what I found was many many pictures of her and her friends, she's smiling widely in 99% of the pictures. As I clicked each photo, I went to the username of each of her friends and found that she has had a major impact on all of their lives and my heart hurts for them, losing a best friend to something so awful at such a young age is just so unimaginable and my heart goes out to all of Talia's friends and family.

I learned that Talia, as of now, is still alive, but recently signed DNR paperwork and she is in a great deal of pain, she just wishes for her transition to Heaven to be peaceful. I've been watching her youtube videos and she's so fun and full of life even when she's at her worst. I've never met this girl, but I feel like I'm losing someone too. Talia's inspired so so so many young people all around the world, including myself. Her story has changed my outlook on life completely. 

just keep swimming, beautiful. fly high <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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