Revealed & sleepover.

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Third persons p.o.v

The h/c hair colored female ran behind a door and she sighed as she waited for the paws to go down, she breathed out and looked at her staff. "So many crimes here.." She said, and looking through the window of the door was the mystery person.

Her last paw came as Zuki flew out of her bracelet and her outfit disappeared leaving her in her normal one and she fixed her hair and gave Zuki a cracked putting her in her jacket pocket. What the female didn't know was that a person was watching her. As she snapped a picture of y/n , Was that person gonna spill it?

Your p.o.v
"Let's go, Zuki." I said and headed out, I checked and then left out and I went out and smiled, "another good day saved," she said and she met with Sean, "hey Sean," I said and he waved.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked ask as my day went on.


I texted alya and Marinette when I got home, "hey guys, if I can do you want to have a sleepover at my house?" I asked and they texted back,

Alya: of course!

Marinette: Yus.

Me: okay let me ask.

I shut my phone off and went downstairs and sat next to my mom,

"Hey mom, can two of my friends sleep over?" I asked and she looked at me, "sure sweetie, just don't be too loud." She smiled and I smiled back kissing her cheek and ran upstairs and texted them.

Me: my mom said yea, come over now at (address of your choice)

Both: okay! ^.^

I smiled and cleaned my room up a little bit and put blankets down and got movies and went downstairs grabbing drinks and snacks.

Then I heard a knock, I ran downstairs and answered it seeing both of them and I smiled, "hi guys!" I said and they nodded, "hi!" They said and we went upstairs.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked, we sat for a moment.

"How about we gossip." Said alya and we laughed, "okay let's do it." Marinette and I said,

"Okay,  y/n I have something for you, I think Adrian is jealous of  you and Sean~~" said alya and Marinette looked, she seemed to have giving up on Adrian a while ago.. Who knows why.

"Yea, I agree with alya, I think Adrian is jealous." Agreed Marinette wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yea right." I said and we continued. Later on alya was on her phone and looked at it strange.

"Hey, y/n, what is this..?" She asked and show me a video of me transforming out of my form.

"T-that's not me!" I said, clearly lying.

"Then who is this in the video who looks EXACTLY like you? " alya asked.

I sighed, "fine, I'm panth-noir, but I don't know who would know!" I said, Marinette looked at me. "You're panth-noir...?" She asked and I nodded, Marinette smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll figure out who posted it, for on here, it says it's anonymous." Said alya and I groaned,

"Let's go to sleep though, it's getting late." They said and I agreed we then all fell asleep.

-- next day

Okay I had to admit, bad idea to have a sleepover when there is school the next day. But hey, oh well.

We got dressed and we headed to school after out routines.

"So who do you think posted it?" Marinette asked me.

"I don't know, but I'm thinking, maybe Chloe." They agreed.

People came up to us and alya pushed them out of the way and we sat near and Sean ran to us, "y/n! Everyone is talking about you being panth-noir!" He said and I nodded, "I know... I just don't know who did it.." I said and he looked over. "I think it could be Adrian," he said and I looked at him shocked, "no Adrian wouldn't do anything like that!" I said and looked at him.

"Who knows," alya said, "maybe Sean is right, maybe it is him." I looked at Adrian, "I don't know.." I said and walked up to Adrian, "oh y/n, hey I needed to talk to you--"

"I needed to talk to you, do you think this is funny? If it was you who posted this damn video it wasn't so freaking clever." I said, "now everyone is gonna be asking, I swear to god Adrian, if it was you I will be your ass." I added and left. "Y/n! I didn't do it!" He replied and I groaned.

- Adrians p.o.v ((bfhhehehe))

After that little outburst that y/n did, I was more confused. I didn't post it, neither do I even have social media.

"What the hell..." I said and I saw Sean coming by,

"Oh , hi Sean.." I said and he smirked, "Psh, don't come near y/n," "wait what..?" I asked and he looked at me, "you heard me, don't come near y/n, she hates you enough anyway... Even though it wasn't you.. Just don't come near her, cause she is mine and I'm gonna make her mine and I don't want a bitch like you coming to ruin it."

I looked at him with eye wide, "if you think you can get away with this, hell  you are damn wrong." I said and he smirked, "I'm half way there, and now you're down there." He smirked and walked away. What do I do..?

- Sean's p.o.v. ((OOOO))

I can't believe mine and Chloe's idea is working, I can make y/n mine, and Chloe can have that dip.

Hopefully y/n doesn't find out.

I went to Chloe and she gave me five bucks, "soon y/n will be yours, and Adrian will be mine and for Adriana me y/m it's a rough thing for them." She replied and I nodded.

"Let's continue." I said and she nodded and shook hands and went our ways.

Y/n you're gonna be mine.

((Ooo, looks like there is troubles, who will you believe, Sean or Adrian?))




BYEEE - Cailey

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