Much More Tag

28 7 12

*sigh* thanks to everyone who tagged me. I don't even remember anymore so let's just get int this and be thankful that I took notes on my phone


So for this one I have to answer questions WarriorCats3636 made and then make my own and the people I tag do those. 

1. Favorite pizza topping?

Cheese. I don't like pizza toppings much.

2. Favorite Disney movie?

One does not simply pick a favorite Disney movie

3. Do you like hippos?

Hippos are vicious creatures. They're extremely aggressive and territorial. And have you seen those teeth? Yikes.

4. Have you seen the Force Awakens yet?

I have not seen any of the Star Wars movies

5. What's your favorite dog breed?

I'm biased. Cocker spaniel.

6. Do you have any pets?

A cocker spaniel.

See. Biased.

7. Have you read the Mortal Instruments?

Have I read- HAHAHA

What kind of question is this. Of course I have.

8. Do you ship Malec?

Ivy, you're cute if you think this answer is ever going to change.


9. Favorite Christmas present this year?

I got a fluffy papasan chair. 

10. Are fluffy pajamas amazing?

Heck yah!

11. Have you ever been skiing?

It's like my only sport.

12. Favorite time of day?

Sunset. All the pretty colors...

13. OTP?

Cruel. You can't make me choose!

Alright now for the questions I shall concoct.

1. Do you watch Castle?
2. Are you going to watch Shadowhunters?
3. Cats or dogs?
4. How do you feel about Adam Young?
5. On a scale of one to ten, what's your favorite color of the alphabet?
6. Does anyone else think making these questions is hard?
7. Does anyone else think maybe a sleepy!Rose shouldn't exactly be on the Internet?
8. Are you excited for Trials of Apollo?
9. Should I buy a new book or a TMI box set with my Barnes and Nobles gift cards?
10. Physical books or eBooks?
11. Would you buy a book scented perfume?
12. Do emo Shadowhunters wear white?
13. Should I eat this chocolate bar?

I tag

Kargo from RedVelvet-_-KargoFaora2594ChileaTheWingedFangirl, and lezzliwolf1987


Okay this one is a tag from TheWingedFangirl and I have to answer these fandom questions.

What fandoms-

Oh man, do you WANT to be here all week?


(See above)

Favorite book-

*throws chair out window*

If you could go into any fictional universe you wanted, what would it be?

ANYTHING but Gone!!!!

Fictional crush-


And it's Alec Lightwood

If you could be anything from any series-

There are two kinds of folks that sit around thinking about how to kill people- psychopaths and mystery writers. I'm the kind that pays better. 

Least favorite book-

I don't really have "least favorite books" but I don't like Deep Blue that much so far.

Ever tried to get your sibling(s) to read more and did you succeed?

I have tried

I have failed

Alright so I tag _-echo-_scarletCrusader, and Jaberwocky42


Last one. I was tagged by someone I forgot (was it X_Lou_Ellen_XScarletTiger8135?)

Nickname~ Kitty, Gopher, Noodle, ect.

Eye color~ I don't knoooooooooooow. No one can agreeeeeee.

I think they're grey. My mom says they're blue. Photographs make them look almost green.

Hair color~ Brown. 

One fact about you~ I just forgot everything interesting I've ever done, learned or said!

Favorite color~ Black.


Favorite place~ My room, in my new fluffy chair.

Favorite celebrity~ Adam Young, obviously.

Favorite animal~ Cats ^.^

Favorite song~ Um um um

Favorite book~ Um um um

I tag narukamikrrtSome_Random_Demigod, and anyone_I_dont_really_care


Well I'm going to convince my dad to take me to Barnes and Nobles. 

Buh bia! XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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