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I don't own any of this character, all right are reserved

This story is set on before episode 6x11 so Deeks and Kensy are not a couple.

I'm Italian, obviously English is not my main language, so if you find any mistake please tell me so I can fix them!


I woke up on my couch lightly depressed. Today is Deeks wedding day and I have only one thing on my mind! How stupid I was refusing to clear up "our thing", only to worsen the thing I'm Deks's best man, I get up from the couch and take a shower then I prepared myself and I go to Nell's house.

If I'm going to spend the day watching the love of my life getting married I deserve to be drunk, so for my safety Nell decided to drive me to the wedding.

We arrive at the church sooner than I want, At the entrance I saw Deeks surrounded by his family, when he saw me he left his family and come to me

" Hey Fern!"

" Please! I hate this stupid nickname!"

"I know but today is my day and I can call you as I want!"

" Just shut up!"

" are you ok??"

" yes, actually I'm the one who should be asking that!"

" I'm great, at least....I think so!"

I was asking why when someone called us

" The bride will be there in 10, so hurry up!"

" I guess we have to go inside!" he said

" yes, but before I just want to give you something."

I take two envelopes and give it to Deeks

" What is that??"

" The first one is my resignation from Ncis, the second one is a letter for you and for the team but please read it in private" I said before running in the church, at least this is a safe place and He can't ask for explication.

Twenty minute after Deeks hasn't show in the church and we start to be worried, finally Sam decided to go outside to search Deeks, when he come back inside he was holding the two envelopments that I give to Deeks, they are both open but only the one with my resignation was left.

" What is it Kens??"

" nothing just something between me and Deeks"

" do you think that we are not involved if you decided to left the team??" said Sam pointing to G. And the other

" you can't understand how I feel Sam, I really can't survive seeing every day Deeks and how much he's happy with his new wife!"

Before Sam could answer me I received a message

* If you really mean what you have write in the letter I'm waiting you at the airport, If everything was a joke please tell Hetty I'll go back to police department*

" Sorry I have to go!" I said to Sam before running outside


This was the first chapter I hope enjoyed it!



Far awayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora