18th birthday party part 2

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Micaela's Provo

I was thinking that I need to get out of that room people were grinding on each other and making

out in front of me "micaela we need to talk" says Sam "ok" and we walk over to the top floor and

over to the French doors to the little walk out window (idk how to spell it so I just tried to explane

it lol) and he turned to look at me

"the thing is I found someone else and I don't think we're going to work out I'm sorry but it's the

truth" he says I look at him in complete shock I nod my head and turn away looking out into

the start I hear him walk away and I break down sobbing and I fall to the floor good thing my

makeup was water proof I hear foot steps walking and getting closer and closer they stop right in

front of me and I see.....


She was sitting on the floor balling her eyes out I wonder what happened I walk over and stop

when I'm right in front of her she looks at me "hi my name Niall are you ok what happened" I ask

she sends we a very weak smile "my names micaela and to answer your question no my boyfriend

just broke up with me for another girl" what how can someone break up with HER for another girl

wow I'm so shocked I sit down next to her "I'm so sorry I know what it's like to lose the one you

love" "really " she starts calming down a bit "no not really I was just trying to connect with you oh

we'll " she giggles and smiles "hey haven't I seen you like on YouTube ya your @mickybearhipster

right " I ask knowing her YouTube account (I just maid it up so ya) "yupp that's me maby you can

make a video with me wanna ditch this party and go" "sure"

we start walking over to a room we go inside and she pulls out the camera and tripod and sets it

up "hey do you have a laptop in here I wanna do a live stream on twitter if that's ok with you" I ask

"ya in that corner"she says pointing to the Mac laptop and I pick it up and set it down on a table

next to the tripod and we set up two chairs and we take a seat

she hits play and I hit start and were both on "hey guys I'm here today with Niall and we snuck

away from the party for a while so ya " she says to the camera " hey were here with micaela at her

Party for her 18th and were doing a YouTube and live stream at the same time so ya" I say to the

laptop "ok how about we play 20 questions Niall" she asks ""ok you start"

M-best friend

N-I have 4 zayn Liam Louis and Harry

N-fave colour

M-light turquoise

M-fave restaurant


N-fave movie


M-what are you human werewolf vampire


N-do you hate me now that you know I'm a vampire

M-just a bit shocked but not really

Just then my door opens up "you have to come and cut the cake" says a boy with a brown quiff "oh

my names Louis by the way" "we'll hello Louis my names micaela we were just finishing our

videos why don't you say hi"says micaela and he goes over to the cameras and says bye then shuts

them both off "heyyyyyyy" we both whine "come on you need to cut the cake" Louis says walking

out the door "lets go" micaela says and we cut the cake and have an awesome time she also met

the other guys and we have plans to meet up one day.

Micaela's Provo

I met all of niall's friends and I saw zayn again he seamed a little sad the whole time but I just

ignored it and we had a blast I met Liam Harry and saw Louis zayn and Niall again the hole night

was awesome.

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