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He didn't.

He couldn't have.

He wouldn't have.

But he did.

"You what?"I screeched,glaring at my father.

"May,honey,calm down.It's not-"

"That bad?"I mocked,still glaring.I couldn't believe he had actually did it.

We talked about it,but he assured me that it'd never happen.He promised me!

But,no.He had to be a weak man.He had to be a stupid drunken gambler,who betted his life away.No,no,no.Who betted my life away!

He couldn't have been some stereotypical white man?Who loved his wife and kids,worked in a tiny cubicle,and lived in a gated community,with a fucking white picket fence?His name was already stereotypical,why couldn't his life be?

No.No,see he just had to be different!He had to marry a Blexican woman.Who just so happened to be insane.They had to have kids,so they'd have a legacy.It just so happened that the men of the family were sane,while the females were out of their minds!

He just had to start drinking after his wife died.He had to be at the casino,drunk off his ass,that night.He just absolutely had to gamble against the most formidable thugs in the entire United States!

He just had to be idiotic enough to gamble more than he'd ever have!He just had to go and lose!He just really needed to take ten years,to even attempt to pay them back.He had to go and make a deal with them!He just had to offer up his wife's only girl,to that man's heir.To be his predestined wife!

And he just had to fucking accept it!Like,who the hell does that?You are not Rumplestiltskin!I mean,you might look like him,but that's not our fault.

"Baby girl.."He started,taking my hand. "Sometimes we just have to make sacrifices."

"But you don't sacrifice your own daughter!Your flesh and blood!Hell,I came from your genitals!"I shouted,snatching my hand from his possession.

I was so mad,I could slap him!Actually,no.I did slap him.

"May'Lynn what the fuck?"He spatted,cradling his cheek.Then he was the one glaring.

"You deserve it dammnit!"I yelled again,grabbing a glass from the counter.I turned the tap on,filled the glass,and gulped it down.I then filled it up again,with steaming hot water.

I turned to face my father,who was watching me like a hawk.Without a second thought,I threw the water onto him,smirking in satisfaction,as it drenched him.

He cried out in pain."You're insane!"He yelped,eyes closed tight.

I smirked,and watched him struggle to find a towel.It would've been easier if his eyes were open,but I wasn't going to say anything.

The stomping of feet came from the stairs,and I panicked.I quickly sat the glass back on the counter,handed my dad a towel,and hopped onto the counter.

My older and younger brother walked in,looking at the scene.My dad was blinking his eyes rapidly,his face beet red.He was still standing in the puddle the dripping water had formed.

"What did you do?"Myron,my older brother,accused,turning to me.

My face twisted up in anger."Why do you just assume it was me?"I shouted.

"It's always you,May."Macario,my younger brother,laughed. "You're always doing something."

"Oh shut it.Chico estúpido."I said,smacking him in the back of his head.

"I'm not stupid!"He hissed,jumping at me.All I could do was laugh.

Imagine a sixteen year old flinching at his nineteen year old sister.When he knew all too well,I could pin him to the floor in a matter of seconds.Didn't even matter if he was six foot,and I was barely hitting five feet.He knew what it was.

"Boy please.Get out my face,with yo scary self."I joked,hopping down from the counter. "Anyways..Myron dad sold me!"

"He what?"Myron questioned,looking down at me.

"He sold me!He gave me up to the fucking Sniper's first born son!I gotta marry the boy!"I shouted,placing my right hand on my hip.I cocked it out,and rolled my eyes.

"Dad what the hell?Why'd you do that?"Macario asked,walking over to our dad.

He was leaning on the counter,the towel still pressed onto his face.When he pulled it away,he wasn't as red anymore,but he still looked like a tomato.That's what he gets,too.He should know better than to do something so stupid!

"Boys listen-"

"Don't do it!He 'bout to try and persuade y'all into believing him."I warned my brothers,flipping my curls over my shoulders.God I hate it when my hair gets all in my face.

"May'Lynn shut up."

"You shut up."I fired back,glaring at him. "You don't get to tell me what to do.I'm grown."

"You're nineteen."He reminded me,looking frustrated.

"So?I'ma be twenty in a week.I'm grown."

"But you're still living under my roof."

"Not for fucking long!Since you decided to sell me,like a piece of meat!Human trafficking is illegal dammnit!"

"I'm tired of you screaming in my damn house."He threatened,cutting his eyes at me.

"Well then go to sleep!"I shouted,storming out the kitchen,and up the two sets of stairs to my room.I made a bigger scene,slamming my door as hard as I could.After that,I screamed.

"Fuck your house!Fuck your rules!And fuck you!"I screamed at the top of my lungs,knowing he'd heard it.I was about to lay down and take a nap,when he screamed back.

"You have until four tomorrow to pack your stuff!He's coming to get you!"

"Fuck him too!"I screamed,plopping down on my bed.I wrapped myself in the covers,making a human cocoon.

My reflection stared back at me in the mirror on the ceiling.Angry tears had built up in my eyes,as I thought of leaving.

"Mama."I whispered,still staring at myself. "I swear to God I'ma kill your husband one day.Just watch."

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