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  Nightstalker lay in a lush, green, meadow, surrounded by his pack mates. Grass grew densely, and the uncut grass contrived firm walls that encased their camp. Flowers bloomed, and brightly colored butterflies fluttered from flower to flower. He rolled onto his side, and his dark gray fur stood out against the field of green, and his light blue eyes shone.

The sun was beginning to dip below the tree line, and it casted the sky in a radiant orange. Nightstalker's ears twitched as he heard a twig snap in the forest that surrounded the peaceful meadow. He raised his muzzle and took a deep breath through his noise. The smell that hit him made his eyes widen. But how?! He thought with shock. He glanced over at Alpha, but the fierce leader was oblivious to the impending danger that lurked in the dense forest. He opened his mouth to bark a warning. But he was too late.

Wolves crashed through the field, and they trampled flowers and grass beneath their paws. Muscle rippled beneath their thick pelts. Their eyes were blood thirsty, and they snarled, showing their menacingly long, yellowing teeth. Their long claws dug into the ground, and it left behind indents in the soft dirt.

Nightstalker and his pack mates sprang to their paws, and their fur bristled. He knew that his battle would be fruitless. The wolves far outnumbered them, and their strength was far superior. They would show no mercy. One of the wolves casted him a smug look. How could I have been so stupid! He thought, and regret filled his mind.

Alpha padded forward, and he kept his head high, it displayed his dignity and superiority. The wolves' leader came forward. He was immense, and was at least a head taller than Alpha. He was black with fiery amber eyes. His muzzle and chest was ravaged by scars. Each one showed his triumphs in battle.

"Surely, we can talk this out." Alpha barked, and he kept his head held high. Nightstalker knew there would be no negotiation.

"Afraid... That's not happening." The wolf sneered, showing his razor sharp teeth. He twitched his bushy tail and with that, the sounds of battle broke out.

This can't be happening! He thought in shock, as he watched his packmates as they leaped at the advancing wolves. They were determined to defend their home until their dying breath. He watched in dismay as the wolves fought back, and they spilled blood that would be a waste of lives.

A dark gray wolf barreled into him, and the weight of the attacker threw him to the ground. This left him exposed to a fatal blow. The wolf leaped onto Nightstalker, and he kicked his soft underbelly as he instincts took over. The wolf was sent sprawling to the ground with a yelp. Around him, he heard similar yelps of pain. The smell of fear had filled the air.

His eyes darted around, and he saw his packmates fall lifeless to the blood soaked ground.

"Retreat!" Alpha commanded. Nightstalker whirled around and he sprinted into the dark forest, and he didn't dare look back. He heard approaching paw steps, and his blood went cold.

"NIghtstalker, wait." Barked the wolf behind him. He let out a sigh of relief, as the voice belonged to his brother, Silverlight. His brother caught up to him, and he ran at his side. Silverlight had well kept silvery fur and broad shoulders.

"Mother... She... Didn't make it..." He barked quietly, and he flattened his ears against his head. Nightstalker felt grief course through his body, and his paws became heavy. This is all my fault! He thought with despair.

"Keep running" His brother commanded, and it reminded him of the danger could be following.

Nightstalker spotted a small figure in front of him, and he stopped on a dime as he nearly slammed into the figure. He looked down to meet the pale green eyes of a pup. The pup's fur was brown like autumn leaves, and she stood quivering.

"Where's my mother?" She whimpered, and the tinniest bit of hope shimmered in her eyes. Nightstalker felt his heart sink to his paws. The pup's member was one of the fallen. His heart filled with pity.

"She's... With the earth now..." He whimpered, and he diverted his eyes to his paws. Silverlight scanned the forest that surrounded them, and his ears were perked and alert. The pup let out a wail of grief, and Nightstalker felt his heart twist. Tears ran down the pup's small face. Silverlight flicked his tail, signaling that there were wolves approaching.

"We have to go." Nightstalker whispered, but the pup did not budge. He dipped his head and picked the pup up by her scruff. The pup remainder limp in his jaws, tears silently running down her face and her eyes dim and hopeless. He flicked his tail and they ran deeper into the forest, leaving their home and packmates behind.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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