chapter two: Sam Sam!!!!!

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Oh well, thought Amber, things will get better. That's where she is wrong. The sky was darker than usual Amber noticed. They entered the gate. "Wow, this place is a dump." Amber said. "Where is everyone?"  

Suddenly a cat appeared, Sam's one weakness. "Bow wow wow wow wow wow. ruff gruuuufff ruff ruff!" He broke off the leash, and shot toward the poor cat like a bullet.

"Sam no!!" Amber yelled. But by then it was too late, Sam was nowhere to be seen. "Sam Sam! Where are you Sam!" Amber sobbed, she just lost her best friend. "Sam, come back!!" Sobbing and clueless, Amber laid on the ground, rolled up in a ball, and just cried uncontrollably. no! she is not a wimp! " I will find you my poor Sam! No matter what, I will not give up! I will look night and day for you, well day!" Amberbegan looking for Sam. She looked everywhere. Suddenly, her stomach growled. "OH! I forgot! It's nearly dinnertime and my parents must be worried sick! " She started for home, only, it began to rain, and she didn't have a coat, hat, or umbrella! "Ahhhh!" Amber Screamed. She was beginning to calm down, she jumped in a puddle and started running toward home. She soon enough realized, she did not know where to go! she was lost! Oh, this has been such a horrid day! How she missed Sam and her parents! She started to sniffle again, and thought how she was all alone and nobody cared about her. She saw a strange figure ahead, wait, it was a person! she saw the face, it was a girl, she often saw at the park!

"Hey! Are you lost? My name is Ashley, what's yours?"          

"Yes! I'm so glad you found me! My name is Amber."

I know where you live, I see you go home everyday after the park, with your dog! Hey where is your dog?" Asked Ashley.

"I don't know, he ran off. Hey, will you be my best friend?" Asked Amber.

" Of course I will be your BFF, and maybe we can see each other tomorrow, and I can help you look for your dog. Now let me help you get home." Said Ashley.

"Thanks, that would be awesome. So far this day has been horrible, and them you came and it got so much better!" Said Amber.  The girls started out for home.

"We are here!" Stated Ashley

"Thanks so much! Come by tomorrow and we will look for Sam, ok?"

"Sure!"Said Ashley.




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