Art Smart.

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I finally finished my panda painting! I stood back, wiped my hands on my apron, and admired the painting. The panda was sitting in a branch with a human over a pond. I smiled, since it was the best one I made yet. I grabbed it off of the easel and hung it up on the wall. I heard my phone buzz, so I raced toward the living room. I grabbed my phone and smiled even wider. It was from panda.
xXPanPandaXx: Good morning!

(Y/u): Hello panda :) and good morning to you too!

xXPanPandaXx: So what's up?

(Y/u):I finally finished my largest painting!

xXPanPandaXx: Can I see it?

(Y/u): Sure, want to come over?

xXPanPandaXx: Yeah! Where do you live.

(Y/u): (insert location)

xXPanPandaXx: Be there in a bit!

Well, I'm showing a panda a panda painting in my apartment. Wait till dad hears about the this. I laughed quietly to myself as I thought about a conversation saying a panda was my boyfriend... Were we dating? We haven't kissed yet. I guess I'll ask him when he gets here. I went to my kitchen and made myself some toast while I waited. After I show panda my painting I should catch up with my friends. I frowned. I didn't talk to them much since the...incident. I shook my head and finished my toast as I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw panda standing there looking nervous. "H-hi y/n." Panda stuttered. "Hi panda! Come in!" I said grabbing his paw and pulling him inside. He looked red in his white fur. Cool pandas blush. I smiled happily and led him to my painting. "Here it is!" I said waving my one free hand. Panda seem to go into a daze looking at the painting then me. "T-t-this is a-amazing y/n!" Panda stuttered again. "Thanks! Also, are you alright?" I asked looking worried. He seemed to be at a loss for words until I realized I was still holding his paw.

"S-sorry!" I yelled quickly releasing my hand. "Its okay, heh." Panda said with a bit of sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry for making this awkward." I scratched the back of my head. Then we just stood there, until I broke the silence. "I don't know what to do now, I was planning on meeting some friends after this." I shrugged.
"Oh! I don't want to get in the way." Panda frowned heading toward the door. "How about you come along?" I smiled sheepishly. "Really?" He asked smiling. "Yeah, sure." I replied opening the door and leading him to my car. "You rode in a car before right?" I asked. "Psssh, of course I have." Panda waved his paw. I stared at him blankly. Panda seemed to get uncomfortable and squirm. I laughed and got into the car unlocking the other door. Panda got in and actually fit the seat. "Its kinda a long ride, what do you listen to?" I asked getting out my disks. "K-pop!!!" Panda cheered. I laughed getting out the CD and putting it into the music player and driving off.
K this is going to be in two parts. :3
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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