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*Warning, some mature themes up ahead. Those under 13 should probably go if they do not want to be scarred.

High school Drabble...

Sam fidgeted nervously, eyes shifting everywhere but on him.


Taurtis eyed the bunny boy. "Sam... what's wrong?"

Sam jumped, alarmed by the sudden call of his name.

"U-uh... nothing, it's nothing... I'm sorry...."

Taurtis laughed merrily hugging Sam, who panicked squealed. "Ah, you're so cute Sam, it's okay. Nothing we couldn't handle, right?" The raven haired boy grinned cheekily at the shorter male with adorable pinked cheeks. Sam nodded, apologizing once more.

The two had gotten in trouble, again. This time, the gym teacher had given the punishment. The two were assigned with cleaning up the gym, picking up trash on the field, filling in holes on the track, so on. Somewhere, along those lines, Taurtis got grime all over his outfit. Usually the two would go back in their gym uniforms, but Taurtis was being a sassy lil thing so the two decided to change. Sam as well because he felt awkward doing nothing as his friend stripped, so he thought, 'If my friends are stripping, I should too!' Cuz obvious logic. No, I'm just kidding, don't do that, unless you're in the locker room getting ready for P.E.

Sam finished before his headphone loving friend and once again had to stand about awkwardly, Taurtis still half naked.

Sam shifted awkwardly for what seemed to be the millionth time that day. Taurtis ignored the shy boy's movement when he heard said boy's soft yelp. As the good friend he was, Taurtis rushed over to Sam's side. "Are you okay?" he asked, towering over the pale boy. His voice, hushed and deep from a long day of work, made the smaller boy flush a deep red. Plus the fact that Taurtis was inches away rom his face didn't help.

Sam plopped himself up on his elbows. "I'm fine- HGNNH!" He fell down, quickly getting back up and rushing to the other end of the room. He looked down, feeling ashamed of himself. A teenager, a young adult, and yet his feelings wouldn't stop themselves.


The brunet looked up, blushing madly. A hand held his chin up, the other snake around his waist."T-tauris!!!?" He grinned confidently, "Sam."

"....W-wh-what are you doing?"

"Hugging you, is that a problem?"

"N-no, not ...really..."

Taurtis hummed, inching closer to Sam, aiming towards the ear. He pushed the bunny hat down, Sam's curly brown hair fell about. Bunny ears stood up straight, frozen. Taurtis was the hunter. He was the prey. Sam put his hands around his face, trying to hide the mad blush he had.

"Never seen another man naked, Sam? Or is it me?" he said with a special power that made Sam's knees wobbly, "Do I make you... uncomfortable? Nervous? ...Hot?" Sam squirmed under Taurtis' touch, his breath scratchy and short, needy mewls escaped his lips. Taurtis, enjoying Sam's reactions, nuzzled the bunny boy's neck, nibbling it lightly. "A-ahh~ Taurtis!"

The tanned boy smirked, the noise was music to his ears. Sam clawed onto the shoulders of the taller male. "T-Tauris! What a-are you doing?!"

"Don't play innocent with me, darling. I know what you really are, a dirty filthy animal. You're literally begging for me, love." He lightly squeezed the cheeks of Sam's bum. Fingertips grazing the certain area that made him weak.

Sam looked down shamefully, enjoying every single moment in Taurtis' hold. Taurtis wasn't exactly... lying.


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