Ch. 1: It's not a Skirt, it's a Kilt!

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"It's nae a skirt, it's a kilt," Allistair Kirkland, the redheaded Scotsman, was nearly fed up with the other countries giving him those stupid looks. Everyone else was wearing their traditional garb today to why couldn't he?

"So, uh...why?" asked the American, the one he was trying not to punch in the face. Alfred always had so many questions for the other countries and today it was his turn.

"Why what?" Allistair sighed, feeling around for his pocket that had his box of cigarettes in it. He knew he would need to smoke one after this.

"Why a skir- I mean, uh, kilt? Is it just the normal fashion over there?" Alfred asked. His glasses started to slip down his nose and he pushed them back up while he was very closely examining the traditional highland clothing. It was a bit too close for comfort and Allistair grabbed Alfred's head and pushed it away slowly. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, ready for yet another explanation.

"We don't wear trousers in tae highlands because tae ground has too many hills. The pants split too easliy when you're trying tae walk so wearing tae kilt saves a lot of fabric and it's just a wee bit more practical," Allistair went through these words quickly, too quickly for the curious American to process. Alfred gave Allistair a blank look and blinked and the Scotsman let out an exasperated sigh.

"Our pants keep splitting," Allistair dead-panned. Two seconds passed and Alfred burst out laughing, falling to the ground.

"You split your pants! Hahahahah!!!!" Allistair just sighed again and walked out of the building. Once outside, he dug around in the pocket in his kilt for the pack of cigarettes. Finally finding that box, he put a cigarette to his mouth and lit it, immediately taking a long drag from it.

"Alfred pestering you again?" Allistair jumped and choked on the smoke. You closed the door behind you and patted him on the back. "Sorry Allistair, I didn't mean to spook you," you laughed lightly as Allistair tried to regain his composure.

"Lass, you always seem to appear oot of nowhere, like a fairy," Allistair said after he stopped coughing and cleared his throat. He took another drag out of his cigarette and offered it to you, but you declined.

"Nope. I don't like how they burn the back of my throat, it hurts," you said as you waved the cigarette away. Allistair shrugged and mumbled, "More for me," and finished the cigarette.

"You know those things are going to ki-"

"Don't care," Allistair cut you off, earing a sour look from you. He chuckled and said, "Awh. Now don't give me tha look lass. Ye'r too pretty for that" You blushed as he said this to you. You gave you that look that always seemed to make your heart beat a little faster.

You and Allistair have had this weird tension going on between you two. Not a sexual tension, no. It was the tension of who was going to make this thing happen or not. This 'thing' being making you two an official couple. Allistair found out that you had feelings for him a while back when he accidently overheard you talking to your best friend about it. Every since then, he has been dropping hints to you to let you knew that he likes you back. You were getting them, of couse. Neither of you just didn't know how to handle it or what to do.

"Um, (name)..." Allistair had a small waver in his voice and he stratched the back of his head, letting the cigarette dangle out of his mouth when he spoke.

"Yes?" you answered quick. You mentally kicked youself for responding too quickly. It made you think that you sounded desperate for the highlander's attention. Allistair chuckled and snubbed out his cigarette.

"We're going out tae dinner tonight," You were slightly taken aback. Was this a question...?

"Like, a date?" you asked. Allistiar grinned and nodded.

"Yes! I-I'm going to pick you up at seven tonight," he went on and you nodded. You thought it was funny how he was just telling you this instead of just asking like a normal person.

"O-okay! Sh-should I wear something nice or-"

"Ye wear the most beautiful thing ye own!" Allistair's eyes were lit up with excitement...and it also looked like terror. This made you giggle to yourself. Never before had you ever seen this side of Allistair. It was kind of cute.

"Well, okay! I'll see you at seven then?" you asked as you started to walk back to the door.

"Seven on the dot," Allistair winked at you. You blushed and walked back inside the building. Once you were back inside, Allistair exhaled and leaned against the building, his knees suddenly feeling weak. He reached for another cigarette then suddenly retracted his hand from it. He closed the box and put it back in his pocket. For the first time in years, he didn't feel the urge to smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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