Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


When I awoke the next morning, I struggled to remember where I was. I looked around the hallway, noticing the door to my left that read, "509 - Taylor S."

Realization hit me as I sighed an leaned back into my chair. Tears pricked my eyes but I kept them back. Crying is my weakness, and I know if Taylor was awake she would want me to be strong for her. 

I closed my eyes, bringing my small hands to message my temples. I could already feel a headache coming on. In my mind, memories of me and Taylor clouded my brain. One in particular kept replaying.



I giggled as Taylor looked at me with here puppy dog eyes. I will not give in to her. 

"Ava." Taylor stuck our her bottom lip, pouting. Taylor was trying to convince me to let her teach me how to play guitar. I had decline; I had tried playing guitar before and my small fingers were not big enough to wrap around correctly. 

"Avaaaa." Taylor held out the a and I shook my head. She sighed in defeat picking up her guitar and looking at me. 

"Will you at least sing with me?" I pondered the idea, before nodding my head yes. Taylor's pink lips formed a smile as she started strumming the familiar tune to "Mine". 

We sang together in harmony, smiles lit up on our faces. 

*End of flashback*

I smiled at the bitter-sweet memory. I now regret not letting Taylor teach me how to play guitar. Now I never know if I will get the chance to learn from her again. 

I got up from my seat in my chair and opened the door to Taylor's room. I barely got to her bed before my phone started ringing. I looked at Taylor once more before exiting the room into the hallway. 

"Hello?" I asked into my phone.

"Hello, is this Ava Taunter?" A male voice asked me. 

"This is she." My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. 

"Hi, this is David Pierce, I would like to let you know that you have gotten the job for "After"." 

A grin spread across my face. A few months ago, I had auditioned for a movie called "After", that would be filmed in Paris. I had completely forgotten about it until now. 

"Oh my gosh that's fantastic!" I smiled. 

"We would like you to fly out to Paris tomorrow so we can start filming." My heart stopped suddenly. 

"T-Tomorrow?" I squeaked. 

"Yes, tomorrow. Your plane ticked is already payed for, as well as your hotel you will be staying in, in Paris. Is that alright?"

I paused, my eyes training to Taylor's door. I felt guilty. 

"Y-Yes that's fine." I breathed. 

 "Alright, we will see you when you land." 

I hung up the phone, putting it into my pocket. I walked to Taylor's door and went in. I sat down on her bed, brushing strands of hair away from her face. 

"Taylor," I started. 

"I know you can't hear me, or maybe you can, but I need to tell you something." I gulped, wiping underneath my eyes. 

"I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow.. And I don't know when I'll be back. But if you wake up when I'm gone, call me. I will take the first flight out of there. I love you, Tay." A single tear slipped down my cheek as I kissed her head. 

I got up from her bed and opened her door. I looked back one last time, to the person who changed my life. 

Hey guys! 

Sorry it took me forever to upload.. I have been SOOO lazy recently haha. It's also been really hot here so I've been swimming a lot. I will try to update again soon.. 

But I almost already have 100 reads on this book..! :D And on my first book, TSS, I have over 20k! 

I love you all soooo much ♥

xoxo -M

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