Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of laughter and of course it was my brother Cameron and if your thinking Cameron who well it's the one and only Cameron Dallas yes he's my brother and he's also annoying.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time and it was 9:02, SHIT cam told me people will be coming at 8:30 but I wonder who.

I got out of bed and went in my bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair and put my hair in a high ponytail and thought I should got for a run so I got changed into my workout clothes (outfit above) and put my shoes on.
I left my room and walked down the stairs to see my brother and his friends from magcon .

"Hey madi" "hey cam" "oh well meet my friends from magcon this is na-"
"Nash,Jack and Jack,Matt,carter,Hayes,Aaron,Taylor and Shawn,yea I know who they are nice to meet you guys"I said "nice to meet you to Madison" they all said .
"Ok well I'm going for a run so bye"
"Why don't you stay here and hang out with us madi"cam said and smirked
"Cam shut the fuck up "I said "ok damn" cam said.

1 hour later (coz I'm lazy)

I finished my run and got back home and remembered that I left my key in my room "shit" I whispered to myself I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to come. About 10 seconds later cam came to the door "what would you like" he said in a smart ass tone
"Can u let me in I forgot my key" "no"he said and closed the door , there was only one thing to do and that is fake cry and he will fall for it and let me in, from the inside of my house but on the outside you can't hear anything.

I sat on my door step and started fake crying and about 20 seconds later came to the door "I'm sorry baby sis I didn't mean to make you cry"he said then picked me up and cuddled me then closed the door, and the I stopped faking and jumped out of his arms and kicked him in the nuts "bitch" I said to him and he was just laying on the ground in pain.

I just laughed and ran up to my room and got changed and fixed my hair (outfit and hair above).
I went back down stairs and saw my brother and his friends sitting on the couch talking .

I sat down and they all looked at me "who's hungry" "me" they all said "ok well I'll make food".

I walked into the kitchen and decided to make burgers and French fries,
I got to cooking and I set up in bowls lettuce,tomatoes,cucumber,pickles and i got ketchup,mustard and mayo and put it on the tables so everyone could put what they want in there burgers.

I got out 11 plates and put some French fries into each plate and patty and bun with it. "Everyone come in the kitchen"I screamed , they all came into they kitchen and just stared at the food "you cooked all this by yourself"John (Jack j) said
"Yep" I replied

They all grabbed a plate and ate there food and after that we all sat in the lounge room and watched movies .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~what did you think of the first chapter was it good or bad because I don't even know and sorry if it's bad coz it's 3 in the morning and I'm so tired but I hope you enjoyed ☺️😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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