Chapter 2: Spades, January 2101

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There is no clock, no way to keep time. The longer we all sit here, the more the domed ceiling, rough and cut straight from the layers of rock above us, seems to press down. To occupy myself, I examine the paintings hanging behind the Queen of Hearts. These pieces of artwork are the only decoration down here, hung on stone walls. There are two pieces between the Queen of Hearts - one framed canvas with a dark-haired woman, who has a strange smile and eyes that seem to follow me. Her clothing is a rich brown-green, and there are winding paths painted behind her. The other piece is lighter, painted in delicate blues, purples and greens. A bridge arches over a river, the water littered with waterlilies.

The fluorescent lights flicker. I notice that the Queen of Clubs, sitting on the length of the table to my right, glances up. The King of Clubs, a tall, heavy-set man, stands behind her on the left, as is customary. However, unlike the rest of the Kings, his hand rests on her shoulder, a weight of reassurance. Most Kings serve only as figureheads - I certainly chose to involve mine very little. He's too disgusted by most of my methods to work well with me, but he speaks well enough, so he's useful in that respect. Of course I know how to address a crowd, yet I sound apathetic and bland compared to the King. His brother is a Jack, one of the best on my council. He helped us win further territory in the eastern streets.

I shift in my chair, swinging my legs over the arm, heaving boots dangling in the air. As tradition dictates, I sit opposite the Queen of Hearts. She stands rigidly waiting for the others to arrive, her head bent down absentmindedly towards the dark grain. Behind her stand her King, and her Ace. Silent and still, her Ace is dressed in clothes that cling to her, the colour of blood. It looks as if she's soaked in the stuff - it's supposed to be intimidating, I guess, but to me it just looks silly. The gag that eclipses her mouth, heart-shaped and black, is sillier still. She stares in turn at each member of the room, never moving, not even to move the locks of short blonde hair that fall on her face. Silence is something all Aces uphold in public, but the others don't look quite so ridiculous.

I look back to my own Ace, standing on my right. With the dark tattoo of the symbol of Spades over one eye, pale skin, a tall frame, and a long coat filled with all sorts of weapons, I believe him to look far more intimidating that the Hearts girl. Because, that's ultimately what she is - a little girl. My Ace is relatively young, too, but he is strong, and moves swiftly. I have no doubt that the Ace of Spades can best the assassins of any of the other suits.

The throne belonging to the Queen of Diamonds remains empty. Hers is delicately crafted, transparent with geometric detailing up the legs, and across the back. Not very comfortable to sit in, I imagine, but then again, Diamonds look equally stiff everywhere. I commissioned my own seat at the table to be made from a rich, dark wood, with the symbol of Spades carved just about everywhere. With velvet cushioning and a small amount of golden gilt, I truly have indulged myself.

Just as I begin to fiddle with the cuffs of my coat, pulling loose threads, the Diamond gang walks in. The Queen, followed by the King, and the Ace. However, the Queen has lighter hair, a different jaw, a straighter nose to what I remember. They've changed her decoy. This one is far less pretty, I think. She looks too sharp, too firm. Her features don't at all match the lavish dress she wears, which is composed of layers and layers of fluffy, dark green-blue material. Her Ace and King - definitely decoys as well - are dressed in similarly styled clothing.

Both the Queens of Hearts and Clubs stand as the Diamonds enter. I stay sprawled over my chair, not even offering a nod of acknowledgement. The Queen of Diamonds bows, eyes fixed on the paintings behind the Queen of Clubs, and takes a seat at the length of the table to my left.

Annoyed by their lateness, I bait the Queen of Diamonds. "Interesting to see that time management isn't a priority for the Diamonds. Isn't it you that insists on maintaining all these traditions, after a-"

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