Chapter 6 -Who's Your Daddy?

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Chapter 6 -Who's Your Daddy?

(Perri POV)

I hug Ryan and Chelsea then head home. I jog there quickly, and find my family in the kitchen. To my surprise, Lyla is there.

"Oh, hey. I was wondering where you want Ly." I smile.

She looks down.

"Lyla. You may go home now." My father says.

She goes past me out the kitchen, her head hanging. She doesn't look at me at all, and I get a very bad feeling.

"Lyla?" I say quietly when she's gone.

Is she okay? I wonder.

"What's going on?" I ask, noticing the way he's looking at me.

My Dad holds up a phone, I recognize it as Lyla's.

"Sit down." He says.

I sit down at the lone chair across the table from him. He taps the screen, and a video begins playing. My mouth almost drops open, Lyla had videotaped Ryan and I play fighting. Ryan sat on me, pinning me down.

"Nooo! Stop it! I'm going to kill you Dad!" I screeched at him.

It stops, and my Dad sets the phone down. I see hurt, and anger in his eyes.

"Perri Grace Mason, who is your father?" He asks.

"You are." I say carefully.

"Then why were you over there? With Ryan, when you refused to talk to me? Calling him Dad." He says, his voice beginning to shake.

"I just was." I say, my anger spiking.

Over the past years, he'd grown distant, only worrying about the pack, and his 'alphas business'. Part of me felt like it was because I was a dud.

"What's this mean Perri?" He asks me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him, frustrated.

"Don't play dumb with me young lady!" He says, raising his voice.

I wince, feeling his alpha's command hit me. I look up at him, my lip quivering, what did I do to make him use his alpha's command on me?

"Perri, I'm sorry- "

"Dad, please, don't, I can't do this right now." I say standing up, holding my head.

He's silent as I leave. I grab my keys, and leave the house, I get in my car and speed down the road. I drive and drive. After about an hour my phone starts ringing like crazy and I get text messages from my mom, Dad, Chance, Ryan, Chelsea, Scott, Lyla, and even Zara. I text David, and he replies immediately. I don't read any of the texts from family or close friends. Or answer any calls.

Maybe they'll leave me alone, I think hopefully. My phone rings again, I groan looking a the screen, then stop. It's David.

"Hey." I say answering it.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Well, I'm currently in Grant county."

"What? Why?"

"Long story. I just... I don't want to come back, so badly. I can't go back to my family."

"Then come back to me." He says quietly.


"Come to my house. It'll be okay, Perri." He says assuringly.

"Okay." I say, aching to see him.

David just has this, warmth about him, that at the moment, when people were driving cold stakes in my heart, I craved. Part of me feels a guilty, knowing we can't be more, because I'm a Were and he's a human. But for now, this human is all I've got.

I drive back, in an hour's worth of crazy driving,(curdosy of Chauncey) I'm home. He tells me his address and I arrive at his house. He waits for me outside, grabbing me in a hug when I exit my car.

"Perri, it's okay." He says.

"I don't think so David- "

"Hey, yes it'll be okay. Come inside, my mom and Dad aren't here. So don't worry about awkward greetings." He says.

He takes me upstairs, and I fall into him, holding on tightly as we lay on his bed and he holds me. He strokes my hair, and talks to me as I cry into him. I clutch his jacket, and cry until I feel everything I've held in begins to leave me, and the cloudiness in my head begins to subside.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Eleven. Feel any better?" He asks.

"Yeah, thanks David." I say.

"Anything for a friend." He says smiling.

I notice my phone vibrating.

"It's been doing that all night." He says.

"Oh, sorry. I just... Needed to ignore it all for a while. They're all probably pretty pissed."

"Fix things, forgive even though forgiveness hasn't been asked for. Accept apologies you never got. Apologize even though your not at fault. It's hard, I know. But I also know if you don't, you'll regret it."

I nod, my Dad's caller ID appears, and I accept the call with a gulp.

"Hello?" I say answering it.

"Perri! Where are you?" He shouts at me.

"Around. Why?" I ask.

I hear him take a deep breath.

"Perri, come home. Now." He says firmly.

"Why?" I ask.

I can hear his anger bubbling over on the other side of the phone line. He takes in a deep breath, and I wait.

"Don't make me come after you." He says quietly.

I pause, feeling a heavy threat in his words. I sense others around him. All he'd have to do is say the word, and everyone would be after me. I'd be grounded for life once they found me.

"I will eventually. Not right now, not until you calm down." I say hanging up.

David looks at me, quirking an eyebrow. He smiles and I smile back. My phone vibrates again and I frown at the unknown number.

"Hello?" I say.

"Perri, how nice to hear your voice." The caller says.

It takes me a second to realize who it is, and I end the call. Dilan was going to be a problem, I could already tell.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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