5. Your plan is a lie

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"Let's date", Jungkook says.


Taehyung studies him for a few seconds. Jungkook looks deeply immersed into himself, thinking about something. His eyes looks lifeless and directed forwards when he asks the question and his face which recently was blushing slowly returns to it's original color. Taehyung fiddles with the origami flower in his pocket.

Did you know that...

Those are not the eyes you're supposed to use when asking someone out?

Jeon Jungkook.

It won't go as planned.

With those thoughts playing in his mind, Taehyung lits up in a bright smile.

"Sure.", he says, "Let's."

Your plan is a lie.


Taehyung wakes up drowning in sweat, he quickly kicks his blanket off and rolls to the side on his bed. His breathing is heavy and the colors is still flashing inside of his mind.

The red against the pink.

The blood against the flowers.

The summer festival and the child whose face he has long forgotten by now.

The child who used to be his friend.

He reaches for the glass of water standing on the desk near his bedside and drinks all of it. He stops when he suddenly sees traces of blood at the edge of the glass.

"Shit.", Taehyung says and gets up to get some paper to stop his noseblood with.

The dizziness is returning to him once again as well, this time together with a vague feeling of nausea.

"Why now..."


Somewhere in the sleepless city of Tokyo, another restless soul is awake. He strokes the head of the orange-haired boy that has fallen asleep on the side of his hospital bed gently, over and over again.

"Park Jimin...", Min Yoongi says gently and then smiles, "Since you saved me, i will pay you back."

He grazes his fingers over Jimin's slightly smaller hand before he lowers his whole hand down towards it. Linking the two of them together.

The cactus he recieved from Namjoon earlier that day stands on the table beside him together with the gifts and flower from his household. There's so many of them... but still he has yet to hear a word from his parents.

Jimin's head suddenly moves and Yoongi is quick with letting go of his hand before he wakes up. Jimins eyes opens slowly and he looks up at his one-sided crush with a confused look.

"What time is it?", he mumbles and rubs his eyes slightly.

Yoongi, who has turned away from him and straighened his back in the process glances towards the clock on the wall.

"03:50 in the morning, go back to sleep.", he says.

Jimin moves closer to Yoongi and nudges his head against his arm before he finds his way into his lap where he peacefully enters the dreamlands again.

reach: tomorrow, VKOOK FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now