The Glimmer

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The glimmer of grey was content to vaguely illuminate the darkness, as that was its role. It gently danced around in the dark, unaware of any other existence. Occasionally a slight bit of darkness would be nudged out of place and so the glimmer hurried to contain it. Tiny jars of light illuminated the glimmers body, making the darkness distort away from the glimmer. This was all it had ever known, and so despite the beauty those jars presented, the glimmer destroyed them and all the light they contained. The darkness had a place inside the glimmers heart and it wished for nothing more than to simply exist in a quieted state within this darkness that it could call home. The more the glimmer danced, the happier it grew, and the more the light seemed to rush to it. The glimmer sought to immediately remove them, keeping its darkness tight around it without accepting the friendship of the light which by now would have replaced the cold darkness if given the chance. The glimmer instead continued to dance, not even noticing the paling of the darkness. One day, the glimmer danced and upon setting its foot upon the darkness, it vanished. The glimmer fell through the dark, until eventually it was caught by a bright light, larger and warmer than any the glimmer had been capable of catching in the jars it had before. The beauty of this light glowed around the glimmer, and it found itself growing slowly brighter, despite maintaining its faint tint of grey. The light worried the glimmer, as it knew it was only a matter of time until this light would steal all it held dear about itself, even though it had no positive opinion of its own grey persona. The light was not afraid, however, and merely grew exasperated with the glimmers refusal to fully accept the light's warmth. The glimmer escaped the lights warm embrace and yet now when it danced tears flooded its eyes. It had become too light for the darkness to readily accept it again, and yet the light was now unsure whether it had made an error in judgement by taking this glimmer from its safe place. The glimmer found that the warmth it had felt in the lights embrace was beginning to be yearned for, and so the glimmer danced with all the passion and emotion it had within it, and slowly started to glow. The darkness began to flee from the glimmer, and yet this was no concern. The glimmer had made its choice, the light was now where it wished to reside. It glowed a tainted white, some parts of the grey refused to leave, and yet when it arrived at the arms of the light, the glimmer was no longer accepted. It had become so bright itself that the light no longer wanted it, and its rejection hit harder than anything the glimmer had anticipated. It faded slowly, the embers of its light no longer able to be kindled as they had been before. It had believed the warmth of the light would always be accepted, and now that it was not, the glimmer simply faded into the dark it had once strived to be a part of, until grey was barely visible.

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