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A/N: I just had this random story popping into my brain in the middle of the I thought of posting it down here....because GRUVIA ROCKS!

This is a fluffy enjoy!!!


Gray was sitting on the steps in front of the Guild Hall, looking at the sky, then at the ground and he repeated this cycle again and again.

Juvia was watching him from the guild through the glass windows. Her breath fogged the windows and she hastily wiped it out with her muffler, lest she miss anything Gray was doing.

But the question was, what was he doing?

For the past twenty minutes, he had been staring up at the sky. Lucy and Natsu who were going out on a job asked him as to why he was sitting there; but the ice mage replied with an unusually soft smile and shake of his head.

What was he doing out there in the cold winter, when the guild was so warm and cozy? But Juvia felt rather shy to go and ask him ! She might turn into a puddle and then freeze in the cold out there!

Gray would occasionally rub his hands and then rub his arms, to keep himself warm. In spite of being an ice mage, the cold did bother him a bit.

"But still my darling is wearing just a flimsy little shirt." Juvia murmured worriedly.Then she blushed when she noticed that Gray had her handwoven muffler wrapped around his neck, sometimes touching it , to make sure it was still there around him, to give him warmth.

Juvia now mustered the courage to go and inquire about his rather queer activity of staring up at the sky. She put on her hat and pulled up her brown stockings, before heading out to face the cold slaps of air.

"Gray sama..." she stuttered,her cheeks warming up, partly due to the cold and partly due to his presence.

"Oh....Hey Juvia. Why're you out? Its cold....Go inside and warm yourself." Gray said.

"Juvia would rather be here and ask Gray sama why he is looking up at the sky ." she said, sitting down right beside him, drawing her knees towards her chest.

"I'm waiting for the snow." he said quietly, looking up ." Winter is my favorite it snows."

Juvia blinked at him and whispered, "Snow...". She immediately went into her fantasy world.

Snow was indeed beautiful, just like the bond between Gray and Juvia. Harder than water, softer than ice...that was snow. Snow is frozen water....and liquid ice.And when gray and Juvia's magic was combined, i.e, ice and water combined, didn't it take the form of snow?

Juvia's thoughts were broken by a chuckle, and when she followed the sound, it came from Gray.

" Yeah, I know our magic combination can create wonders."

That was when she realized that she had been speaking out her thoughts aloud. She immediately flushed crimson and scooted towards Gray, when a fresh burst of cold air blew past her.

"Why is Gray sama waiting for snow?"

" It reminds me of my parents." he said softly. Juvia's eyes widened. It was unusual that Gray would be talking about his parents. It was almost like a forbidden subject. " It reminds me of those three years of my life before my parents were killed."

Juvia stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Back at our village, in the north, winter was the main season. It was freezing cold, and you would have to wear three- four layers of clothing before stepping outside. I'll never outgrow the excitement of looking out my window and seeing the falling snow." and Gray smiled, fondly remembering his childhood. " Me and my dad....we used to wait for the snow like hungry beggars. We would make snowmen and snowballs , and dad used to decorate the house with colorful little lights and streamers, even though it wasn't Christmas. It was as if , winter was our own personal festival."

His voice cracked a bit and Juvia searched his eyes for tears. It still brought him pain, to think about his parents and the little time he could spend with them as a boy.

" A-And , I used to bring snowballs inside the house and wet all the rooms, specially the sofa..I used to think that the sofa and the blankets would keep the snow warm..." he chuckled lightly and his eyes softened " Mum used to fly into a rage!"

" Juvia is glad that Gray sama was able to spend such a lovely time with his family" she whispered. She tried remembering some good moments in her childhood, with her family.....but she couldn't get even one in the diverse imaginative mind of hers.She couldn't remember her family, let alone remember her childhood with them. " The orphanage was horrible. The kids never took Juvia in their snowball fights. They thought that Juvia would make it rain and thus dampen their fun snowy play day. She was always left alone in the house with her rain dolls."

Gray looked at her and said sadly, " I'm sorry."

" No...Juvia doesn't mind. She feels good when she listens to others talking about their childhood....especially Gray sama's. " she smiled.

Gray hummed in response and continued,"I wonder why it isn't snowing yet....its late this year. I really want to feel the snow." he sighed. then he gave her a handsome grin and said " Or rather feel our combined magic, according to you."

Juvia's heart started beating faster. She would never grow tired of that grin.She was about to enter her fantasy world again but a sudden gust of chilly wind made her mind blank for a few seconds.
" J- Juvia just thinks that it is too cold....not that she is complaining...."

He laughed and said," Yeah it is quite cold this year."

And they stayed like that for a few moments, without saying anything because the silence said it all. Silence draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking.The silence was conveying something more than words. It was conveying emotions.

Juvia shivered a bit and Gray looked at her and frowned, "Are you cold?" he asked, but before Juvia could answer, he had taken both of her hands in his.He brought them close to his mouth and blew warm air and rubbed it lightly; his eyes sometimes flickering towards her flushed face.

A soft feathery substance fell on his nose, followed by another on his scarf and then a another on his shirt.

Juvia gasped and looked up at the sky, and said " Gray-sama look, its snowing!"

Gray stretched out one hand to catch some flakes of snow, to let it seep through his soul, to let the magic burn through his blood, and Juvia found a five-year old Gray Fullbuster instead of the cold and ice hearted one , in those captivating onyx eyes of his.

" is snowing." he said in awe." J-Juvia....we'll make snow men, together this time. We'll have snow ball fights and make snow angels. You never enjoyed a white winter, right? I'll show you the spirit of winter."

Although the sky had become dark, with only a few stars twinkling, and Mirajane still hadn't lighted the candles and lamps, Juvia could never fail to catch the light crimson hue dusted on his cheeks.

Or how he still had her cold petite hands safe and warm in his large and caring hands.




"Come rain, shine,snow
frost or hail-
I'll be there for you
All through the weathers."


The End
So how was it?!!! Do tell and favourite this story!!!!!

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