Chapter 1

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I don't exactly know what to write so I'm just gonna go with my instincts on this one. Enjoy?.....
Not doing povs cuz I cba☺️
I went to go and pick up my dress (pic above) when I heard my phone go off

-beep beep-
Hi hermie
I just wanna talk to u so meet me at the greengrass cafè please
Love your soon to be husband xx

I wonder what Ron wants to talk about? Oh well I'll just pick up the dress then go meet him.
"Hello daphne I'm here to pick up the dress" why does she look so worried "of courze hermione I just need you to tell me the code that should of been sent to you when you ordered the dress."
The code.... "Uhhhh I don't remember getting one of those or I just can't remember it." " wait I'll text Ron and ask him if he knows it"

Do you remember any code for the wedding dress when you ordered it?
Love hermie xoxo

-beep beep-

No but try the magic code to get into the ministry '62442' if she asks you like what it means then tell her magic
Love Ron xx

" is it 62442 by any chance?" Okay that code is crossed of" no I'm afraid it's not but..." "Is it the meaning?" Oh please be the meaning.. " yes it is" " I know this its magic!!!"calm down calm down
"No... I'm afraid it's not,"

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