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"You're raising the rent?!" I demanded as I stared at my landlord.

The squat, stubby 47-year-old man looked at me and nodded as he leaned on the doorframe of the apartment. "That's right, kiddo," he told me as he looked at his watch. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have to break the news to some other people."

Just as he was about to leave I grabbed one strap of his suspenders and pulled him back slightly. The man was a few inches shorter than me and that was saying something. "What am I going to do? How could you raise the rent just when school's about to start?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "I'm sorry," he said, eyeing the suspender I still had in my hand. "You could always get a roommate to help support the rent."

"But what if I can't get a roommate in time?" I groaned.

All my friends either lived in dorms or had their own places to live in. None of them would possibly want to move out of their amazingly cool lofts to come live with me.

"Then, either you move out and find a cheaper place or I'm gonna have to evict you."

I groaned loudly and ran a hand through my hair, "Okay, okay, I'll do whatever I can." I huffed. The landlord smiled and waved goodbye to me, "Better get started now!"


"What are you doing?" I asked my roommate as I walked into our dorm. He was sprawled on the floor with a few beers scattered around him and he had a cigarette in between his lips.

The lights were off and the only light on was the small nightlight on the small table.

"Oh, hey," my roommate, Adrian, said. He got up and took another puff of the cigarette before going to the bathroom. "Don't worry, everyone's asleep."

"Dude, you're not allowed to smoke indoors," I whispered harshly at him. "Wait, scratch that - none of us are allowed to smoke at all. If coach knew he'd kick us out of the team!"

Adrian rolled his eyes and started picking up the beer bottles, "Ney, chill. He's probably asleep and a few guys just came over to chill while you were gone. He's never going to find out. And this is the last time, I promise."

Leave it to Adrian to break a rule and completely be chill about it.

I ignored him and grabbed a trash bag from the cupboard. I picked up the empty beer bottles and gently put them in the garbage bag so I could go throw them out in the dumpster a few minutes away from the school.

Just as I was about to put the last beer bottle inside the garbage bag, the door to our dorm opened and our coach poked his head in.

"Hey boys, just wanted to tell you there's an extra training at 6..." he trailed off when he saw the beer bottle in my hand. He stared right at me, then turned to look at Adrian. If he were a cartoon character, he'd have steam spewing out of his ears. "Neymar, Adrian - what the hell is that?" he asked, eyeing the beer bottle in my hand.

"Coach, I swear - this isn't what it looks like." Adrian started, raising his hands up. I stood frozen, waiting for Coach's next move. "Then what is it?" he asked angrily. Adrian stayed quiet, looking back and forth from me to Coach.

I opened my mouth to say something when Coach shook his head. "I really expected better from you two boys," he said disappointedly. "I can't do anything right now and believe me, I don't want to, but - you're going to have to take it up with the principal tomorrow."

"Wait, coach," Adrian called out just before Coach left the room. "What's the worst case scenario here?" Adrian asked guiltily.

Coach sent us both an exasperated look before finally answering: "Well, you guys aren't going to be allowed to live in the dorms anymore."


thought i'd try out a new story! this is going to be an au (sort of) 

please comment and tell me what you thought! :) thank you xx

happy reading lovelies!xx

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