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Hello everyone! This is the story I was telling y'all about. Guys, this story is my baby. I've been working super hard on making it amazing because, well, I don't even know myself. Please leave a lot of feedback, vote, and yeah!



“Can we just talk this over? Please, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“

      “Just shut it.”

“Baby, please-“

“Don’t you dare call me that, you complete-”

“Look, I said I was sorry, what more do you want from me?”

She throws her head up at him, her blond, brown hair getting tangled around her face, a deathly angry expression on her face. Her eyes were cold and hard; much like their ice blue color that seemed to cut the soul open wide. They held no sparkle, no ounce of life in them. They were dull, but still sharp and crystal like the cold ice of winter.

He has no idea that this isn’t the first time this has happened. This has happened to her two times before, and after that, she swore she would never give the other a second chance. They always took advantage of it anyway. Why would he be different? No matter how much it killed her on the inside, she had to let him go. He would end up screwing her over again if she gave him that second chance. She wouldn’t take that chance, not again.

She looks at the boy standing in front of her with a dull expression on her face. She almost seems exasperated by his question. “You’re really asking me that? Seriously?”

The boy runs a hand through his hair shaggy brown hair. “Yeah,” he finally says with a hint of sarcasm, “I am.”

“Well, if you are, then you’re a lot stupider than I thought you were.”

“Excuse me?” the boy questions with a new shade of anger to his voice, his normally muddy brown eyes hard.

“You heard me,” the girl snaps forcefully, almost like a whip that snaps out to smack and sting. She’s angry, that much is known.  The boy standing in front of her was once an angel in her sight; a man that could do no wrong. Now, oh now he’s different. He’s traded his mask to show a new face, one that she hasn’t seen before.

“I don’t know what you want from me.”

“I want you to leave and don’t come back. Ever; don’t talk to me ever again, don’t you dare speak to me ever again.”

The boy looks shocked at her hurtful words, but he doesn’t let it show on his face. It still shows the same, hard angered mask. He doesn’t know what to do, only letting his mouth hang open as he stares at the girl seated before him. She won’t look at him, completely refuses the urge inside of her to do so. She knows that as soon as she does, her protective wall will crumble, and she’ll fling her arms around him in a tearful embrace. So, she sits on her bed, looking anywhere but at him.

He can’t believe her words. After all the things they’ve been through, she’s going to throw it all away because of one small mistake he made? He knows that by telling her the truth, it would cause a rift in their relationship, but he never expected this. He thought that by telling her the truth, she would forgive him. This is not what he was expecting. He wasn’t expecting her to be this angry. So what, he ended up going back to his bowl and caving in to the temptation of the brown haired girl that was giving him a lustful stare the entire party, why shouldn’t she forgive him? He loves her, why can’t she get that through that thick skull of her’s?

Not only is she seeing a new side of him, but he is seeing a new side to her as well. She sees the cruel, heartless man who cheated on her, one who told her lies, a boy who fell to too many temptations. He sees a heartless girl, one who can’t accept an apology, and realize the true good that lies within him. Both share the same common characteristic of the one raw emotion that makes us put up or walls and try and break other people’s down.

The boy swallows before he speaks. “Are you sure?”

“Of course,” she snaps back.

In the back of her mind, she wants him to fight for her, to fight to be with her. She wants him to try and win her back, to prove to her that she can trust him. It’s the sick, twisted faith of being in love with someone. You can’t find the words that you really want to say, but you hope and pray that they can understand what you are thinking.

But, of course, there are no super powers, and no one can read minds.

“Well, if that’s what you want, then I’ll go.”

The girl doesn’t speak, doesn’t make a sound. She doesn’t breath, even as he starts to walk out the door. What she doesn’t notice is that he pauses and turns around to stare at her; at the girl he hurt, the girl who he loves so much, but screwed everything up because of one stupid mistake. She does hear the door close silently behind him with a click, and that is when she breaks.

She cries softly, praying to whoever will hear her that he will come back through that door. She prays he calls her late tonight and says how much of a complete mess up he is and that she deserves so much better than him. She wants, no, she needs that to happen. Her whole world is concaving in, and he’s the only one that can fix it.

He won’t come running back through the door.

He won’t call her late tonight.

He won’t call her ever again.

Because, while she is praying that he knows what she really wants, he’s thinking that she will do the same for him. He’s waiting outside her door, waiting for the door to fling up and she will profess that she accepts his apology. He’s hoping and praying that his phone will light up with her name on the screen, and on the other end of the line is her sweet voice, begging him to come to her.

She won’t come running through that door.

She won’t call him late tonight.

She won’t call me him ever again.


That’s how things actually work out, in the end.

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