Chapter 11

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Karai and Leo were at the door waiting to let inside to hang out with him making Raph get even more angry at them for bothering him and Jas right now for he just wanted a relaxing weekend with her "Are you going to let us in?" Leo asked as he was acting confused that they weren't inside yet as Raph was only glaring at them right now as he just slammed the door in there face "NEVER COME BACK!!!" he yelled making Jas jump from the yell as he stomped back to the couch making her worry right now about him. He sat down next to her before pulling her into his lap making her confused because he spun her to look at him and pulled her into a kiss making her moan out to him at that moment, he never really thought about what would happen to them for this was going to be his last year in high school while she was now 17 making him wonder what they were going to do about all of this as he knew that when would be done with college she would still be in there for one last year before coming back home making him scared about it right now as he only wanted to stay with her as long as he could right now.

She loved him with all that he's been doing for her right now but sometimes it was a little too much for her, yesterday he took her to the same place for her birthday for a picnic almost making her parents worry about her or two days ago as she was reading in the library a group of boys who were an accapella group sang to her as they gave her roses making her stared at the whole time until she walked out of the room. He then stopped to look at her eyes before leaning in again but this time to lick her lower lip making her shiver before opening to him as he lets his tongue into her mouth making her groan the whole time he toyed with her tongue making him smirk a little before stopping the kiss as a faint line of saliva connected them to the other before going at it again while forgetting about the movie that was still yet to be finished right now as neither of them cared right now about it for they were to busy with the other.

Since that night the weekend went well as the days went by and December came around for all of them, more dates were planned ahead, they hung out together even more and would make out when ever they were alone or had the time and right now it was friday and Raph had taken her to a corner side into the shadows from the gym to do just that with her right now making her moan and try to get away to get into gym class "R-Raph come on" she said as she was able to move his lips from her's just long enough to say those words before he fully stopped. She knew this wasn't the first time it happened for sometimes he would even sneak one in class when no one was looking really making her wonder when he would stop and just do it during brakes now "Let me love ya a little more" he said making her push him more as he looked at her "Just this class and then once in your truck you can kiss me as much as you want at my place since it's your turn to come over now" she said before getting into class with him not far behind her.

As they sat down together the teacher started to explain the lesson they would have today making her feel excited for it would be gymnastics her strong point in all of the classes in gym they had so far and she was beyond excited for it right now making her just want to get started but for now she had to both until the explanation was over and that he calls out her name for her turn. As he called out there names she would get even more excited as he was close to saying her name right now as Raph would watch her as she looked at each student who took there turn in the course that was made for them "Ya like flips?" he asked as only six more students before it was her turn "Yes, my father wanted me and Miwa to master all kinds of things and when I had a liking to gymnastics he signed us up for it making me happy about it the whole time I went there" she explained as it was now four more before her left.

She was even more excited when at last her name was said that she almost would have done a triple back flip to get down but was able to calm herself down to walk down like she was supposed to until she got in place as she waited for the teacher to blow his whistle, once it blew she went in and started to do all kinds of flips and tricks in front of them making them surprised at how good she was right now while only her sister was smiling at her for she already knew how good she was for this kind of thing really. When she got to the end she could hear them all applauding at her for how good it was as she walked over to Raph as the bell rang telling them that school was over meaning that the students who hadn't got a turn would do it on the next lesson instead making Raph smile at her for how good she was "That was amazing" he said as they walked over to his truck as she smiled at the compliment as he got her inside before getting in aswell with her before kissing her one last time before driving off to her place like planned while he brought some extra clothes for himself as he knew she didn't have any really.

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