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Chapter 5: Pain

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"She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards



An eternity seemed to have passed and no one said a word. The tension in the room made it hard to breathe. Dominic and Will continued to glare at each other. 

It was Dominic who spoke first, breaking the eerie silence. "I assume that it's a no then?" He said, his tone was hostile. "Robert, take the girl to the basement and tie her up to a chair. We're going to have a little fun."

Robert stepped forward toward me his face twisted into a smirk. I took up a defensive stance, ready to fight. No way I was going to let him take me to the basement. I'd rather die fighting than surrender and be tortured. I glared at him evenly.

However, before he could take another step in my direction. Will had him pinned to the wall in one swift motion, holding his neck in a death grip. 

To say I was impressed would be an understatement. He'd managed to effortlessly pin a huge guy like Robert to the wall. 

While he was handcuffed

How strong was he?

"Let him go or you both die," Dominic said calmly. 

He didn't budge "Move another muscle and I break his neck." Will hissed. 

Dominic smirked "I'm giving you till the count of three." he said monotonously. "Let Robert go and I will pretend this never happened. You can either accept my deal like a civilized man or I'd have to do something that would force you to accept" 

Will, however, wasn't phased he stood rooted in his place, narrowing his eyes at Dominic daringly.

"One.." Dominic said in a low voice taking a step forward toward us. "Two.." Another step forward. I noticed that Will tightened his grip on Roberts's neck. His face was starting to turn blue from the lack of oxygen. "Three.." Dominic said finally in a deadly tone.

Before I had a chance to react. He suddenly grabbed me, holding my waist in a painfully tight grip, making it impossible for me to move. I tried to get away from him but his hold only tightened. I knew it would probably bruise later. The handcuffs made it difficult for me to fight. 

Not that I had much of a chance against him anyway, he was huge, not to mention strong. 

He didn't even flinch when I stepped on his foot with all the strength I had.

One of his arms restrained me and kept me in place I felt his other hand come up towards my neck. I felt a cool metal press against my throat. I stilled at once and my heartbeat sped up. It seemed to be a pocket knife.

Dominic dragged its sharp peak towards the base of my neck and held it there for a while. I saw Will flinch but he held his ground. He didn't let go of Robert. 

Suddenly Dominic pushed the knife forcefully into my flesh. I screamed as I felt it pierce my skin, digging into my flesh. Blood started to ooze down my shoulder. I couldn't hold back my sobs. 

The pain was awful.

He continued to push and twist the knife and I bit my lip to hold back the screams. Tears streamed down my face. The pain was nearly unbearable now. I saw black dots dance before my eyes and I started to feel lightheaded.

"Stop. Stop it!" I heard Will's agitated voice. He released his iron grip on Robert's throat and Robert immediately tumbled to the ground, gasping for air. 

Dominic didn't let me go, he just chuckled dryly "And have you given a second thought to the demands I've made?" he asked in a mocking tone. He dragged the knife down to my arm, the sharp tip cut my skin as it went. I was too tired to scream. I whimpered as I felt the knife painfully piercing my arm.

I saw Will wince and for the first time since we got here, I saw panic flash in his eyes "Yes! I agree. I'll do whatever. Just stop!" He said in a strained voice "Just please leave her alone. She doesn't have anything to do with this." He continued in a firm voice.

"Now if you would have behaved and agreed to what I said in the first place. I wouldn't have needed to go through so much trouble" Dominic said shaking his head. I felt him put the knife away. "Sorry honey. I did what had to be done." He said in his cold voice. "Bryan, take Miss Roberts here to one of our best rooms and get her bandaged."

He lowered his head towards mine and I cringed "Make yourself at home you'll be staying here for a while." He said in a low voice. 

I gasped "I thought you said you'd let us go if he accepted your demands?" Dominic snorted, "You both aren't going anywhere till I'm sure that my part of the bargain has been kept." 

He let me go finally releasing my waist from his tight grip "Bryan take her." Dominic spoke again, his tone was offhanded. "I have some important business to discuss with Mr. Grayson here."

I started to move but my head started spinning, and I felt my legs give out. Before I could hit the ground I felt two strong arms catch me. I looked up to see Will's grey eyes staring down at me, they were filled with regret and concern.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered."This is all my fault." 

I wanted to reassure him, tell him it wasn't his fault and that I was alright but I couldn't get words to come out. My eyelids started feeling heavier. I felt myself black out for the second time that day. 

Before I was completely gone I heard Will speak again determinedly, it was so low that I could barely make it out,

"This wasn't supposed to happen." 

Those were the last words I heard before the darkness took over completely.


A/N: Thank you for reading all you lovely people.
This is my first book. Please vote and comment if you like it. Give me your opinions either way. Love you all. xx

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Marriah Roberts feels like she's living someone else's life and fulfi...
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