Dark Salvation: 03 *

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Luna pulled a face at the sight of a wheelchair being rolled in by Drake. "You're serious? I'm not riding that thing!" She complained when Drake rolled it beside her bed.

"Oh come on, Luna!" Drake whined. "Since when do you ever get to ride in a wheelchair without being in any sort of traumatic pain?"

But Drake was wrong, Luna was in pain. No, it wasn't physical pain; it was emotional and mental pain. Pain for her...departed parents. The thought of never seeing them again made tears prick at her eyes and her skin ripple into uncontrolled shivers. The topic of death always frightened her...even though that's what she was trained to do. Search for the dead. The realization hit harder and she began to want them back so desperately that she would've been willing to give up her entire secret career of ghost hunting to have them back...everything just to at least bid them goodbye and the conscious thought of knowing they were safe where ever they were going.

Giving a reluctant nod, she lowered herself from the bed and in the wheelchair seat. She crossed her arms and pouted, her gloomy thoughts tugging at the back of her mind. "If you so much as roll me down a hill and let go, I will personally steal your truck and leave your ass here." She threatened evenly, earning a throaty chuckle from Drake.

"Actually Blake is taking you home...I, ehm, have a shift at Starbucks to do and if I miss it Darlene would have my head on display... I've already missed both of my night shifts." Luna narrowed her eyes as Drake rolled her to elevator.

"You make it sound like it's my fault." She kept her arms firmly crossed over her chest. Drake went to speak but Luna hit his hand before he could utter a word. "Don't even say it was my fault, you're the one who decided to risk your job for me. That was really...sweet of you, Drake. Thank you."

"I'm sweet? I try to be at least. And you're welcome." Drake said, the elevator brought them to ground level and Drake wheeled Luna out towards Blake's blue four door Chevy.

Luna turned the best she could in the chair and gave him a smile. "And it was very sweet of you. Thank you for being my friend and rescuer in my time of distress, oh charming prince."

Drake mocked a two fingered boy scout salute and Blake helped Luna into his truck. Blake walked with his younger brother to talk and to return the wheelchair. Once Luna was alone, she grabbed her iPhone from her back pocket and skimmed through the news on her Twitter account. Unhappy with any updates on her profile page, she flipped through the Travel Channel profile looking for any new or missed Ghost Adventures updates. Her eyes stopped at an update from Zak Bagans around the time her parents were being pulled from the bridge...

@ZakBagans: Was stuck on a bridge for an hour, came to find out about a terrible accident had happened to a couple. Their vehicle had gone over the bridge's edge. I hope and wish good luck to their family and friends.

Tears surged to Luna's eyes as Blake boarded the truck and closed the door, he immediately reacted to her tears. "Luna?" Blake questioned when she turned her head and buried her phone under her leg. "What's wrong?"

Luna shook her head and used her thumbs to quickly wipe the tears from her eyes, sniffing softly. Blake hesitated slightly then proceeded with starting the truck and driving to the front exit gates. The confused man kept to himself, silent and contemplating his thoughts, just like poor Luna...he didn't want to say the wrong thing and upset her anymore than she was. He decided it was best to keep quiet.



"Anything yet, Aaron?" Zak asked. The crew was tampering with new camera audio attachments with clip-on microphones; what they usually wore during their investigations to avoid any boom mic accidents. Aaron shook his head and let out a clipped sigh. At this point, they'd never get anything done if the audio attachments didn't work properly.

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