Kid Flash

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The next day Robin was going to surprise Wally by sneaking in his bedroom window. (No it's not weird he does it all the time and Wally doesn't mind!) Only what when he got there he was the one being surprised. There Wally sat with a black eye and a bloody nose that definitely didn't come from a patrol. As Robin sat there he started muttering to himself.

"Dad's right I am just a worthless piece of crap. Maybe I should just do everybody a favor and just off myself..." he muttered in between sobs.

"You most certainly will not!" Robin said from the window sill. Wally just about jumped out of his skin. "Cause I mean if you did that who would play video games with me?!" Robin whined "Megan tries but she's no fun because I always win. No matter how many times I show her she always gets the controls wrong! Then there's Connor. Do you know how many new controllers I have had to buy?! He gets angry at the game then breaks the freaking' controller in half! Kaldur refuses to play with me and Artemis is well... Artemis. Barbara's pretty good but I always let her win. Cause ya know... *cough* uh actually just forget I mentioned Barbara."

Wally just gapped at him "Y-You're in my room..."

Robin smirked "Well technically I'm on your roof. But it's kind of cold out here can I come in? See I asked before I came in aren't I polite?! Alfed would be so proud!" he smiled and went ahead and stepped inside. "Speaking of video games there's this new arcade in Gotham that you just have to see! It's huge! Barbara and I went yesterday and... why do I keep talking about Barbara?! It's like some sort of electronic field around you that makes me want to talk about my love life!" he then realized what he said and clamped a hand over his mouth. "Not that I like Barbara or anything. We're just friends!"

Wally just gapped at him not sure what to say. "Wait did you just say you have a crush on someone?"

"No!" Robin pleaded "I said nothing! Batman would kill me if he found out I had a crush on someone. Even worse his best friend, the Commissioner's daughter. They would both freak if they found out we kissed at the top of the Ferris Wheel!"Robin then realized what he said and face palmed. "I'm just digging myself in deeper aren't I?"

Wally smirked "Ya you really are."

Robin just glared at him. he stood up and walked over to him. in one swift motion he grabbed his nose and snapped it back into place. Wally let out a cry of pain and Robin just smirked "There now your nose is fixed. And..." He reached into his utility belt and brought out an instant cold pack. He shook it so it would start getting cold then handed it to Wally. "That's for your eye. I would usually suggest a piece of meat but I'm fresh out so this'll have to do. Here's a spare in case you need it." Robin said handing him another on.

Wally smiled weakly at him "Thanks Robin."

He smirked "No prob. What are bros for?!" with his signature cackle he jumped out the window.

(A/N - hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. The next one I'm thinking Super boy but I'm not 100% positive. Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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