11:41 pm
I. Don't. Want. To. Go. Back. To. School.
That's what I'm feeling today. This past few months, I started hating school. I started to hate people. And then christmas break happened, I was free from that place. Free from socializing, free from schoolworks and everything in it. I didn't think about going back to school, I never missed my school. That was my life 2 weeks ago. But then I realized,
The clock is ticking, the time is passing by. At the end of the day we will all get back to the place where we belong.
In school.
I have reasons why I don't want to.
1. Schoolworks
2. People
3. Issues
Now I have to go back to this comfy bed, but early in the morning I have to rise up cause I have freaking classes tomorrow. School sucks, ugh whyyyy